maybe put on some clothes

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School hadn't let out much too long ago. Andi quickly made her way out of the building and rushed down the street towards the alleyway she knew Peter spent his time getting ready in after school. She was rather annoyed, as she wanted to head over to Ned's to start constructing the Death Star, but she received a message from Tony telling her to make sure Peter didn't leave her sight during his ventures. She wasn't sure why Tony was being unnecessarily strict on her, but she didn't care. She wasn't going to spend her night babysitting Peter, especially when there were so many other important things she could have been doing, such as building one of science-fiction's deadliest objects out of plastic blocks.

"I can never have any fun," Andi grumbled to herself as she pulled her suit out of her bag to change into. She would've preferred to stay out of the suit, but she couldn't risk being seen by Peter or the civilians. She thought about just wearing it under her clothes, but didn't want to risk a heat stroke.

After changing into her suit, Andi climbed up the brick wall and onto the roof overlooking the alleyway. She waited and waited on Peter, who had a tendency to stop at Delmar's every day after school, which only slowed the process of Andi's mission. She loved the kid to death, but looking after him could get incredibly annoying most days.

Peter soon showed up, removing his shoes and webbing his backpack to the dumpster as per usual. Andi let out a sigh and turned away as he undressed, only looking back when she found he had his suit on. He jumped onto the building across from her and began swinging from building to building, no doubt to start looking for people to save and criminals to stop. It was the same thing every day, which had come to bore Andi. She preferred spending time with Peter at school and at his apartment, but she had a job to do, one that did not consist of Tony referring to her as the "Littlest Avenger."

Andi took her phone from her bag and plugged her headphones in. She placed them on her head, and the sound of OutKast's "Ms. Jackson" flooded into her ears. She laid back and listened to the music in hopes that Peter didn't get himself into trouble while she decided to relax. It wasn't that she necessarily hated looking after Peter, but she was so used to the action of looking after New York City. Now Peter had somewhat taken over that task for her, and her job was to make sure he didn't screw it up.

About four songs had played since Andi put her headphones on, and while she wasn't looking to stop listening, a text from Ned was what eventually forced her to. He wanted her to come over and start building the Lego Death Star. The thought made her smile. She loved having the opportunity to be a normal teenager. When she wasn't working, Peter and Ned gave her just that.

Andi shoved her phone and headphones into her backpack and pulled it over her shoulders. She jumped to the building across the alleyway and again to the building adjacent to that one. Once she found she was in a safe enough area to begin swinging, that was exactly what she did. It was quite a ways back to Ned's house, and she didn't feel like trying to wave down a taxi or call for an Uber, especially not in the suit. It already drew too much attention as it was, not that she minded, but Queens already had two spider-people swinging around. She just didn't want people to think two was a crowd.

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