you're the talk of the morning

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It was the beginning of the week, and for Andi this meant going back to school to watch over the one person that didn't want her around. She was still very unhappy about the events that'd taken place over the weekend, but she could not change what happened despite how much she wished to.

Andi kept her head low as she pushed her way through Midtown's ridiculous number of students. All she wanted was to get to her locker, get to her classes, and get through the day. In all honesty, she didn't want to see anyone or speak to anyone. As of the moment, she was only concerned with completing the mission Tony had given her so many months ago. He'd given her the opportunity to opt-out of the mission the previous night due to her emotional distress, but Andi refused to go anywhere until the mission was completed. She refused to go anywhere until she knew Peter would remain safe, and from what she'd been witnessing so far, it would be quite a long while before she was ready to disappear.

Ned was waiting at Andi's locker for her. She smiled when she saw him and rushed over to prepare for her first three periods.

"Hey, Ned," Andi greeted her friend. "What's up?"

"Peter told me why you two aren't speaking," Ned admitted.

Andi practically froze in her spot. She had not been anticipated that to come out of his mouth, nor had she actually anticipated Peter telling Ned the truth. It startled her a bit when she thought about Ned knowing the truth behind her identity, as he could not keep a very tight grip on that mouth of his. "W-what?"

Ned only nodded in response.

Andi shut her locker slowly and looked at Ned with a serious expression on her face. "What did he tell you, Ned?"

"Nothing," Ned shrugged and began walking down the hall, leaving Andi to follow after him. "All he really said was that you were like him and had been keeping it from the both of us."

"Listen," Andi ran a hand through her hair, "I'm sorry, but there are so many reasons as to why I couldn't tell the two of you, especially you."

Ned laughed and veered over to the side of the hallway. "Don't worry, Andi, I'm not mad at you."

"You're not?"

"Of course not," Ned snorted. "It would be very hypocritical of me to be angry with you for keeping the same secret Peter did, would it not?"

"I guess you're right."

"I did manage to get through to Peter about why he's so mad at you, though," Ned told her quietly. "I'm sure you've known about the Hannah Montana life he's been living being in cohorts with Tony Stark and what-not, but the fact that he claims the two of us are his best friends, yet kept that part of his life hidden from us, regardless of your knowledge, is pretty shitty, so him being mad at you for doing the same thing is very hypocritical on his part."

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