spider-man and recluse

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Andi very carefully pulled to a stop behind Happy in front of Peter's apartment complex. She put the car in park and smiled, gazing around at the interior of her brand new Audi S5 Coupe. It was personalized, which made Andi so much happier than she originally was. One thing she loved about having Tony in her life was that he paid attention to her. He paid enough attention to her to know how to personalize anything he got for her, such as her suits, vehicles, anything, and that meant a lot to her.

After turning the car off, Andi hopped out and made her way to meet Peter and Happy. Happy remained in the car, ready to leave the first chance he got, while Peter waited outside. Andi leaned down to look at Happy and smiled.

"Thank you, Happy," she said to him.

"It's not a problem, kid." Happy put a pair of sunglasses on. "Be careful with that car, okay? Wouldn't want the next time I see you to be in a hospital, now would we?"

Andi chuckled and shook her head. "Your lack of faith in me is very insulting."

"See ya, kid."

"Bye, Happy."

Happy took off down the street, leaving Peter and Andi standing alone on the curb. Andi smiled at Peter and grabbed his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze before pulling him inside the apartment complex with her.

"Apparently Tony has a surprise for us up in your apartment," Andi told him.

The two walked over to the elevator and stepped on.

"Like, what kind of surprise?" Peter asked.

Andi shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not sure. All he said to me was he had a surprise for me at your apartment since I seem to spend all of my time there."

"Which is true," Peter chuckled.

"You try spending all your time in that tower," Andi scoffed. "It's huge, and there's no one else there except a few workers who you don't talk to you at all. I know I prefer being alone, but sometimes even loners get lonely."

"Like May said, you're welcome to stay as long as you want," Peter assured her.

He pressed a kiss to her head before stepping off the elevator. Andi followed closely behind him, and the two made their way through his empty apartment and to his bedroom. There were two large paper bags on the bed, and immediately Andi moved to grab the one with her name on it.

Andi opened the bag up, her eyes falling onto the black and gold suit sitting inside. She pulled it out with a smile on her face and held it close to her. She couldn't lie and say she hadn't missed the suit, and so the first thing on her mind was putting it on, but a quick glance to the bottom of the bag stopped her.

There was an envelope with Andi's name on it sitting at the bottom of the bag. She pulled it out and opened it up to find a letter and a random set of keys, which confused her slightly. She unfolded the letter and began reading, the words on the page bringing a smile to her face.

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