Chapter Twenty

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"...slightly devious, is that what you're telling us?"

They were seated again on the verandah at Cassandra's, eating pasta, this time joined by James and Brandie.

Neil continued, "But she seems so easy to get along with. Head-strong, ambitious, yes, but not conniving and out for herself."

"You don't know her like we do." Said James. "She once threw our cat out the second story window just to see if it would land on its feet. She didn't care that there was a tree in the way. The poor cat needed three stitches to keep its ear stuck on. When mom came running to see what all the commotion was about, Macyn pointed at Chris and said, 'What kind of cruel, twisted person throws a cat out of a window?' Mom took all of Christelle's savings to pay the vets bill."

"Sounds like the girls got some internal conflicts..." said Brandie.

"She has a crooked heart," I droned.

"So you think she has anterior motives, working as our chef?" Neil asked.

"I know she does. It's just a matter of time before..."

Neil interrupted me, "...before we find a dead cat in the kitchen sink; a knife in its back." He laughed. He didn't seem at all convinced.

"It's like her arms are electric sockets and Chris is 99% water." James was trying to warn Neil just how dangerous Macyn could be.

"I just stay out of her way," I said, pushing my fork around. "Last week I tried to iron out a few issues, but yesterday she was at it again, hating me. I almost had to check for her heartbeat."

"I bet the real reason she works in a kitchen is to drink the blood from the steak before its grilled." Brandie was laughing.

"I'd prefer if we leave it just there. Macyn's out of time; her true colors will surface soon enough." James started up again, but I stopped him. "Let it go, James. It's always been like we're swimming against the current with Macyn."

The waiter brought over the dessert. I had ordered a fresh fruit salad, James and Neil the chocolate mousse, and Brandie, "too full to fit in another crumb" she had said. They got into another conversation about the next days modeling shoot, and a possible future trip overseas. I was lost in thought..."but that was humanity, so much cruelty, ego, selfishness... going from bullying in the playground to rape and murder in the street." Today, a lady had visited the Wardrobe and asked me for the Kiara diamond broach. She was buying it and she didn't care that it cost a million bucks. For a broach! It just made me sick...and on the other side of the world, children were dying in dirty water. Lose weight, tan, shave, pluck or else you die alone. I'd seen my father beat up on us, threatening us with eternal fire every Sunday, and in the same day, drink God's blood in church. Sanctity. Absolution. Dark thoughts for an eighteen year old, but how could I not be affected by what I saw, not only in Macyn, but in the streets I walked every day.

"You okay?" Neil said. "You're more quiet than normal. What's up?" I shook my head. I didn't want to talk about it. "Let's go then. You look exhausted." We left James money for the bill and Neil drove me home. We were soon standing in the street outside the apartment. Neil held me tight in his arms.

"Chris, you got to stop allowing people to hurt you. You need the time to heal wounds that are eating you inside there." He was tapping at my chest. "I've been there, trying to bandage the bleeding with alcohol, drugs, food, work, women, but eventually it just oozes out, staining your life." He kissed me, and when our lips finally parted, he didn't stop let me go me or step away.

"It's late." I said, but he kissed me again, and I kissed him back, our hands happening everywhere like mistakes we might regret later.

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