Chapter Forty-Nine

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The phone was ringing. "James... James!" Where was he. I hated answering the phone.


"Hello. Can I speak with Christelle Cyrus, please. I was told I could contact her on this number?"

"This is Christelle..."

"Hi. My name is Elizabeth Atkins. Derek Mans, he told me you're one of his models... and that you're also a designer. Actually, he didn't say a designer, but he showed me a photo of you in a dress you designed and made yourself... the one you wore to the fashion show on Saturday night. I was really impressed. Do you think you could come in and see me today? Maybe bring your portfolio?"

I didn't say anything right away. I wasn't breathing. I didn't know what to say. She spoke again, "Hello... Are you still there?"

"Ummm... I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting this call." Ever. "Who did you say you were? Are you sure you want Christelle Cyrus?"

There was a short laugh. "Elisabeth. Atkins. Yes, Christelle, I want you. I have actually seen you around Derek at the shoots. I choose the clothes for the magazine shoots he takes pictures for.. you know, the ones you wear. Derek put me onto you earlier today. Showed me some pictures he took of you at the function over the weekend... of your red dress. Exquisite." A pause. "Would you like to come in and see me... bring more of your designs... possibly today..."

"Yes, yes, of course. I'm sorry... what time?" Was this it? Was this my foot into the fashion game, my dream all along? Whoa, slow down this train...

"Come in this morning... at say... ten. Does that suit you? Derek said you weren't shooting today."

"Yes... I mean no... Ummm that will be fine. Ten."

"Great! See you in two hours." And she put down the phone.

I was suddenly flooded with anxiety and self-doubt, but I quickly checked myself. Breathe. James walked into the sitting room.

"Who was that?"

"Someone asking to see my designs."

He looked surprised. "What? Wow, at long last someone has seen the light!"

"We'll see."

We sat in silence, swimming in our own thoughts, then he said, "Look, I need to talk to you about something important."


He sat down next to me on the couch. "I want to ask Brandi too marry me."

"You want to do what?" I couldn't believe it! My brother, a husband, wanting to settle down, have kids, that sort of stuff. I was delirious. Happy. It was the right thing.

"What do you think?" He was avoiding looking at me, wringing his hands together nervously.

"What do I think? Oh my goodness, J! She's my best friend. This is..." I wanted to burst out the door and scream it to the neighbors. "I'm so happy for you two." I threw my arms around him, kissing him all over his face.

He was laughing, relieved at my answer. "Well, don't get too excited just yet. She has to say yes." Our laughter was interrupted when someone knocked on the front door.

"Hello, Chris. You there?" It was Neil.

"No!" I said.

"Neil, get the heck in here. The door is open." James got up and walked to the door. Neil walked in, surprised at the gentle atmosphere in the flat for so early in the morning. "I'm going to ask Brandi too marry me."

Neil's mouth fell open, but then he grabbed James by the shoulders. "Oh man, you don't waste any time. Good one, bud." They gave each other an awkward hug, then shook hands.

"Okay, well, guys, let me get ready for the rest of my life." James ran out the lounge and into his room, leaving us alone.

"I said I wasn't here." I walked towards the kitchen. "It's a really important day, and I don't need any distractions."

He followed me. "What's going on?"

"I got called by someone who saw my dress on Saturday night and wants to see some more of my designs–"

"What!" He grabbed me around the waist, hugged me. "This is amazing. It's your dream, it's who you are. This could be your start in the industry. Chris, you're right, let me get out of your way. I'll go." He let me go and started walking towards the front door to leave.

"Don't go." I said.

He turned around.

"Why are you here? It must be important. It's early for you. Come sit down and have breakfast with me. Wait, you don't eat breakfast. Here, have my coffee, I'll make myself another cup." He sat down at the kitchen table. "So..." I said.

"I've made a decision. I don't know how to live without you. I know you said you needed time. I want to give you everything you want, including this..." He was looking down into the coffee, not drinking any. "I just want to know if I have even a small chance..."

He looked so desperate, and it took everything in me not to climb on his lap and give him the longest kiss. But then James walked in, so I answered Neil's question a lot more simply. "A teeny tiny one... And that's all I'm saying..." And I left for my room to get everything ready for my interview, my future, for the rest of my life.

Love on the ScaleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz