Chapter Twenty-Eight

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My latest sketch had taken on a life of it's own. It had gone from a simple dress, to a fitted, curvy gown in almost no time. I knew I couldn't wear it, but I continued to sketch anyway. Neil would get a kick out it. I laid a colored pencil on the kitchen table, and grabbed my pencil.

"I'll be back," James said on passing the kitchen door. "See you later?"

I didn't answer him, and he looked back, spotted my depressed face, and melted. "Chris... I'm sure you'll get your job back soon. They'll figure out who did this, and then you'll be scott-free. Promise."

"You said everyone liked me. Why would they think I did this?"

He leaned against the door frame. "They don't. Everyone is vouching for you. Maggie is throwing a fit without you, just like before you started helping her, and I know Lilian is getting sick of it. Either she'll fire Maggie, which won't happen, or you'll get your job back. Don't think about it too much; you'll be back before you know it." He winked, pushing off the door frame, and waved as he left. When the door closed behind him, I was left to continue my sketch in the traffic-infused silence. Until the phone rang.

I didn't get up to answer; I could see the name from the table. The answering machine beeped, and I stilled my hand as the voice I'd come to dread spoke to me through the box.

"Hello? It's me, Macyn. I just wanted to call and see if you're okay, Christelle. I heard you lost your job here, and that sucks, but I'm sure they'll realize the mistake they made and-"

During her message, I stood and stalked over to the phone, jerking it from it's base. "I hope you're happy, Mace. I really do. You think I don't know you did this? That you PLANNED this? I've known you were after me from the start, but I never thought you would break the law out of spite!"

"I didn't break any laws, Christelle. The tiara is safe and sound at the studio; they just have to find it. You want your job back? Just tell them that. Oh, but they might not like that you knew where it was and stopped a day of work over it."

"What happened to you? You used to be fun, and a great big sister. Why won't you tell me what wrong with living at home? Did something happen-"

Her laugh cut me off. "Oh shut up, Chris. Like you care. All you care about is yourself; it's always been that way. What YOU want, what YOU don't want. There are bigger things happening in the world, and you never notice them because you're so wrapped up in yourself. Well guess what? I'm about to pop your little bubble, and everyone is going to see how selfish you are. Your precious Neil especially. It's not fair, how he doesn't know who you really are."

She wasn't making any sense. What was she talking about? The caller id flashed, and I switched over, grateful for the interruption. "Hello?"

"There's the voice I love to hear in the morning!"

A grin took over my face, though my eyes felt dull. Half of me was enthused at Neil's call, and half of me was terrified of Macyn's threat. I didn't want to lose Neil. I'd only just started to respond to him, and we were growing closer... but if Macyn said she was going to do something, she would.


"I'm sorry. Good morning."

"What's wrong? What happened?" He was learning my tones; he knew.

"Nothing, nothing." I wouldn't bother him with anything. That would be selfish, which I wasn't, despite Macyn's accusation. "I'm really happy you called."

His grin could be heard, and I could picture his face beaming with pride. "Of course I'd call. You're supposed to be here with me, but if not, I have to call. Anything and everything for you, Christelle."

My laugh sounded genuine to me, but he heard the false notes. "Baby tell me what's wrong. Do you want me to come-"

"No! No, I'm fine, I promise. I'm just not used to being home, is all. I miss you. I wish-"

"Slow down," he chuckled. "I miss you too, but I'll come see you after I get off. What are you doing?"

I swallowed. If I lied, he'd know it. If I didn't answer, he'd think something was wrong. "Sketching." One word answers: safe.

"A new dress? Is it sexy?"

"Yeah, it's for you."

"You must think I'm pretty amazing if you think I can rock a dress."

Laughter was forced out of me as I pictured him in the dress. "No... not that amazing," I managed to get out between giggles. "For you to see. I thought you'd like it."

"Can't wait to see it..." I heard Lilian yelling in the background, and his huff of annoyance. "But it has to wait, unfortunately. I'll call you at lunch, yeah?"

"Yeah," I said, but he was gone. I hung up the phone and leaned back against the wall, hand going to my throat as my breathing increased. My throat felt like it was closing up, and I slid to the floor, hyperventilating. What was I going to do? Macyn was going to ruin my life just to live with James, unless I stopped her.

I took deep, painful breaths until my throat began to loosen, and dropped my hand into my lap. I had to stop her. I couldn't let her take away everything I loved.

The thought stopped me cold. Did I love Neil? It was way too soon for that; it must have been my lack of relationship experience talking. But I knew I didn't want to lose him. Everything had just started to go right for me; I wasn't going to lose it because of my sister.

Love on the Scaleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें