Chapter 4-Magic Bullet

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Laken rolled over in her bed expecting to find Derek laying next to her, but she was met with a little disappointment when she didn't find him. She pulled her shirt over her head as she got out of bed and went into the bathroom. Turning the hot water on, she peeled the shirt off and stepped in, letting the hot water relax her.

After getting out the shower, she got dressed in a pair of ripped black jeans, and one of the many t-shirts that belonged to Jackson. She curled her hair and did her make up before putting her shoes on and grabbing her bag, walking out her bedroom.

"Laken, you want a ride?" Stiles asked, walking down the stairs behinde her, "I don't have to pick up Scott."

She paused from grabbing her car keys, before nodding. Laken had her own car. At the beginning of Freshman year, the twins shared the Jeep. She hated riding with Stiles because he always left earlier than needed, and because she always ended up in the backseat when Scott did ride with them.

For Christmas Freshman year, Jackson noticed her discomfort with sharing the car with her brother and he bought her a car. He had always bought her expensive stuff because she was his best friend. He didn't even spend that much on Lydia, his own girlfriend.


"If Derek isn't the Alpha, if he's not the one who bit you, then who did?" Stiles asked.

"I don't know." Scott said.

"Did the Alpha kill the bus driver?" Stiles then asked his best friend. 

"I don't know." 

"Does Allison's dad know about the Alpha?" Stiles asked. 

"I don't know!" Scott exclaimed, making the teacher look at them. 

Laken looked down at the test that she was handing, laying it flat down when she saw the A+ in a big red letter. She was just like Lydia when it came to people not knowing that they were smart. Lydia didn't think popular people should be smart, and Laken only hid it because she just didn't want people to know. 

Laken turned her head and saw that Scott had gotten a 'D" on his test while Stiles has an A just like his sister.

"Dude, you need to study more. That was a joke. Scott, it's one test. You're gonna make it up. Do you want help studying?" Stiles asked. 

"No. I'm studying with Allison after school today." Scott told them. 

"That's my boy." Stiles said. 

"We're just studying." 

"Uh, no, you're not." Stiles said. 

"No, I'm not?" Scott said confused. 

"Not if I'm forced to live vicariously through you. If you go to her house today and squander that colossal opportunity, I swear to God I'll have you de - balled." Stiles told him. 

"Okay. Just- Stop with the questions, man." Scott said. 

"Done. No more questions. No more talk about the Alpha or Derek. Especially Derek - who still scares me." Stiles said. 

Written In The Stars{Derek Hale/Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now