Chapter 22-Fury (pt. 1)

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(Author's Note: Okay, so as you can see I skipped Party Guessed. I couldn't make up my mind on if I wanted Laken with her twin and Scott, or with Derek during the whole full moon thing. But, during Derek helping the beta's, he reviles that his anchor changed from Anger to Laken.)


"So this kids a real killer?"

Laken stood with her father, twin brother and Scott. Turns out, Matt was the one behind controlling Jackson and Laken had never walked to kick someones ass more than his.

Stiles looked up at his father from the desk chair he sat in, "Yeah."

"No." Noah said almost amediatly.



"Dad, come on. Everyone knows that the police look for ways to connect victims in a murder." Stiles stood up from the chair and Laken had to move in order to avoid being hit. "Okay? So all he had to do was look through their transcrips and figure out what classes they all had in common."

"Yeah. Except for the fact that they rave promoter, Kara, wasn't in Harris' class."

"Alright, okay, your right. Sorry." Stiles rolled his eyes, "Then I guess they dropped the charges against him?"

"No, you know what, no. They're not dropping the charges. But that' doesn't prove anything." Noah told his son. "Scott, Lake, do you believe this?"

"It's really hard to explain how we know this, but you've just gotta trust us." Scott told him.

"Matt took Harris's car." Stiles paused, "Look, he knew that if the cops found tire tracks at one of the murders and if enough of the victims were in Harris's classes, that they'd arrest him."

"Alright, fine, I'll allow the remote possibility. But give me a motive. Why would this kid, want most of the 2006 swim team and it's coach, dead?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Stiles' voice raised as he moved his arms around. "Our swim team sucks! They haven't won in like six years - okay, we don't have a motive yet. I mean come on, does Harris?"

Noah was silent for a moment, "What do you want me to do?"

"We need to look at the evidence." Scott told him.

"Yeah that would be in the station, where I no longer work."

"Trust me, they'll let you in." Stiles told his father reassuringly.

"Trust you?" Noah pointed at his youngest twin with an eyebrow raised.

"Trust-trust Laken and Scott."

"Your sister and Scott, I trust."


The twins, their father and Scott stood in the police lobby as Noah talked to a police officer at the front desk.

"It's two in the morning."

"Believe me, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't important." Noah said with a sigh.

Written In The Stars{Derek Hale/Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now