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Chapter 2

Imedietly there were two wands pointed at the seige.

    "I know you both want to curse me right now but I want to tell you that no I am not an impersonater. Yes my names is Albus Percivile Wolfric Brian Dumbledor. Yes, I was killed by Severus Snape in 1997 under my own orders. Yes, I was the one that told Harry Potter about Voldemorts use of Horcruxes. Seven to be exact. One accidental, which I told Severus Snape about. Yes, I was the posesser of the Elder wand betore my death. And Yes, my favorite flavor jam is raspberry." He states, sitting down in one of the chairs in front of Harry's desk, thoroughly amused at the looks on the pairs face.

Both with identicle shocked faces.

Rons, with his mouth slightly open.

"You can put vertisrum on me if you like, but i assure you the man at your front desk already did that three times."

      Its only after another minute that Harry sits down, his face still filled with shocke, eyeing every part of the man, as if trying to see a ziper to a muggle mask.

"Merlins pants." Mumbles Ron, sitting down also.

It's only after another few minutes before Harry finally speaks up, deciding on what to believe.


"Well, I believe it has something to do with Prior Incantartum. Where images and memories of the ones you lost come back. But not trully whole. Much like the resurection stone." He says directing his head towards Harry. "But this time its not just memories but, as the muggle term says, raising the dead." He says, fumbling with his wand, the same wand that Harry had placed back into his tomb.

"So you came back to life?" Asks Ron, finally gaining his voice.

"Yes." He nods.

"I think there are a few others too." He says standing up.

"A few? How many is a few?" sputters Harry.

"You'll see." He says heading towards the door.

The other two follow him.

He leads them through the ministry and to the basement, where heartings used to be held.

"I had to leave them here so they wouldn't cause such..... Chaos." Says Dumbledor opening the door.

The sight the two Aurors saw was breathtaking.


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