Come Here

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Chapter 5

"Hi honey." Says the voice of Ginny Potter.

Harry and Ron both give a week smile. Causing Ginny to  to look around the room curiously.

In no time she notices the group standing in front of her.

She shrieks and goes for her wand before sending a glare towards her husband, who was currently placing her wand in the drawer of his desk.

"Wh...who are they?" She asks after regaining her voice, her hands trembling.  

"Who!?" She asks again, in a yelp.

"Well...." Begins Harry, starting the half hour long explanation.

That left them with Ginny, her mouth practically hanging open, staring at the group.

"F...Fred?" She whispers, her eyes glassed over.

"Come here Red," he says holding out his arms, which Ginny eagerly hugged back. 


Hey guys!!!! Im back!!! I'm sorry for the shortness of the chapter but I just finished school so I promise a lot more will come. I doubt it will come tonight but maybe, maybe, sometime this week so keep your fingers crossed!!!

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