Welcome Home

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Chapter 9

Harry clears his throat and the whole family arranges themselves into a seat.
"Okay. So today at work there was a er... Certain disruption from our every day jobs. Now before you hex him I want you to know hat, yes he has been tested multiple times and there is nothing wrong about him at all. So come on in."
He says as the kitchen door opens and and old man, with a long white beard, comes in. His eyes twinkling with life behind his spectacles. Bill, Charlie and George stand up, their wands pointed at the man.
"Boys, put your wands down. I assure you that I am who I said I was." Says Albus Dumbledore chuckling.
"You see, I came across a few others as I came here." The door opens again and Remus, Tonks, Fred, James, Lily, Moody, and Sirius come out. Several peoples mouth popped open.
"How?" Asks Bill. Ginny stands up,
"Come on kids, I need help with dinner."
All of the kids slowly stand up, unsure of what is going on.
Teddy gives Ginny a pleading look who nods and site back down.
Hermione stands up and helps usher the rest of them into the kitchen. As soon as the kids are gone Albus speaks up.
"Well I believe it is similar to Prior Incantatum except for the fact that obviously we are flesh and bone, nut just memories. If I am correct another prophecy was made. This prophecy predicted the rebirth of hundreds. Hundreds of those who died at the hand of Tom Riddle." He finishes.
"So, there are more?" Asks Fleur. Lupin nods.
"Yes there are hundreds more." He answers.
"So what happened? I mean where did you wake up?" Asks George, as he silently watches his twin, looking for any sign of forge.
"Well I woke up in Godrics Hollow." Answers James, speaking for the first time. "So did I." Many of the others nodded. "I woke up in the village below the burrow." Pipes in Fred. "So it seems that every one woke up where they were buried?" The group nods. "What about you mas-eye? Where did you wake up?" Asks Molly. "In a muggle village a few miles from Surrey." He answers gruffly. The adults in the room share a look. They all knew that his body was never found, now they at least knew that some death eater didn't pick it up.

Half an hour later Ron comes into the kitchen.
"They can come out now." He says as he reaches for a biscuit, getting his hand slapped away before he can touch it.
"Not until dinner!" Snaps Ginny.
"Mum, who are those people?" Asks Lily.
"You'll see sweetie, now why don't you go out to the living room and meet them. Come on al of you. Your uncle Ron will introduce you. Don't be shy come on." Half an hour later the kids are sitting down at the table. Each one of them talking to one of the new comers.
"Uncle Fred. What was your favorite prank? Dad says that his favorite was the one on Umbridge." Asks Fred II.
"Thats a tough one." He thinks for a minute before answering. "I think mine is probably-"
"Here we are." Ginny, Hermione, Fleur and Molly announce their presence by levitating plates piled high with food. As soon as every one settles themselves in Arthur speaks up.
"I would like to toast to Fred, To Sirius, To James and Lily, To Remus and Tonks, To Albus and Severus, to Moody and to so many others.
Welcome home."
He finishes raising his glass.

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