Hi Honey:)

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Chapter 4

Thats when they realized that none of these people remembered anything that has happened in the past 15 years.
Only Lily, James, Dumbledor and two other men, one with long brown hair, another with short blonde hair, neither Ron nor Harry knew them.
Soon the were explaining the story.
Only enough so that they wont be completly lost.
Their friends and families can tell them the rest.
Now thats the hard part.
Explaing to all of their family members, how on earth over nine hundred people have just 'came back from the dead'
"yes ma'am I just need you and your sister to come down to the ministry..... No I promise your not in trouble." Says Harry to the phone, chuckeling. "O...of course..... Yes ma'am..... Alright..... You too.... Bye." He says hanging up the muggle phone.
They have beeen doing this the past hour, sending phone calls to muggle borns and families who use muggle technology and patronas's to the rest.
No they didn't tell the entire ministry.
Just Kingsly amd people they knew they could trust.
Harry and Ron were both at their desks, slowly eliminating people, letting the other workers explaint to their families what exactly is going on. Remus, Tonks, Mad-eye, Fred, Lily, James, Dumbledor, Dobby, Snape and Sirius were there too.
The rest are still in the old courtroom. They have all been check and rechecked for extra measure and not one of them is fake.
"Finally." Exclaims Ron putting down the last of the calls.
"Hey, at least we don't have to explain this whole thing to the families. That up to kingsly. And that will be a mess." Adds Harry. Both looking a bit more releaved.
"Ok, so you two are how old again?" Asks Fred.
"32." Answers Ron.
"Again. Old." Says Sirius, ticking the 'D'
"So do you two have wives?" Asks Lily. Trying to get some information on her son.
The last things both her and james saw was the battle of hogwarts.
In fact, not one of the people who 'came back from the dead' remembers seeing anything from after the battle.
"Yes. " answers Harry, smirking.
"Ah did little Ronnikins here finally get the gutts to ask Hermione?" Asks Fred in a mock baby voice, causing the rest of the group to laugh.
"Last thing I remembered of those two was that they were practicly bitting each others heads off." Pipes in Tonks, Ron rolls his eyes but otherwise ignores that comment.
"Actually he did." Harry says nudging Ron in the ribs.
"WHAT?" Slputters Fred.
"You... Actually ... Married her!" He says in between barks of laughter.
"What do you two have kids too?" Asks Sirius. Ron, who's face is slowly turning redder and redder nods. "Two."
"She... Let... You get her.... Pregnant!" Fred cracks out.
Barly even hearable.
"So what about you?" Asks James. Harry smirks.
"Yeah he kind of married our sister." Ron says looking at Fred.
"W...what? I..... Can't.... Beleive..... Missed so much." It seems as if He really can't get a full sentence out without cracking up.
"Well welcome to the family!" He shouts, finally catching his breath, at Harry who smiles, while lookig back down at his work.
"As long as you don't get her pregnant I'm fine with it." After seeing Harry trying to hide a smile he adds. "Wait what?"
"I have three kids." Before Fred can go into any hex, curse or jinx, theres a knock on the door.
With a swipe of Harry's hand he puts a disalosion charm on the party, making them invisable to everone including themselves, before his features changed to 'work mode'
"Come in." He answers in a stronge voice.
A young man, about 20 or so comes in, closing the door behind him.
"Sir. There seems to be a problem with courtroom twelve. No one can seam to be able to get it." He says in a slightly nervous voice, rubbing the back of his neck.
"That is Kingly and I's doing. Tell everyone that it will be open by 11 again." Answers Harry.
"Thank you sir. Also, your wife is here." He adds quickly, as if even more nervous.
"Send her in." He answers shortly before going back to his work, therfore dismissing the young auror.
"Yes sir." After the door is shut, both Ron amd Harry groan as Harry releases the disalusion charm.

"She's your sister you should tell her."

"But she's your wife. That beats all the odds."

Tonks interupts the mini squabblw a minute latter. "First of all, that was creepier than Mad-Eye, and second of all, how did you learn wandless magic?" She asks with shock evident in her voice.
"Oh that.... I think when I was eighteen."
"When did you become head auror?" Asks Lupin.
"When I was 21." He asnwers, dotting the i on his finall document and filing it away.
"21? How on earth did you do that?! I was barly able to stay an auror at 21." States James, his eyes wide.
"Well I became an auror, along with many of the people in our year, about a week after the battle. There was still a lot of death eaters on the loose and the ministry needed all the help it could get. Then once everything toned down a bit, peopl either went back to hogwarts to finish their education, or switched to another job. Unlike Ron and I who enjoyed getting bloodied up too much to leave." Says Harry, causing a few to laugh, others to look solumn.
Then theres another knock. Harry dosn't bother putting the charm up, already knowing who it is.
"Come in."
"Hi Honey," says the voice of Ginny Potter.

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