Chapter 21

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Serena's POV:

I remained quiet as I listened to Alex and Darien talk. Alex said, "I assume that you plan to stay on this planet since you are arranging for more fake IDs? Probably a wise plan with the war back home. If I recall correctly, your hometown is currently in enemy territory."

Darien nodded, "Had this new race not shown up, the people in my town would have accepted her simply because she is mine. Others will likely not be that accepting, and the other races never did understand the power of the soulbond. Their hatred of humans is well known and I will not risk her if we can stay on this planet without danger."

Alex seemed the type of person to leisurely think before speaking and he took another sip of his coffee. "That is probably for the best since this new race is slowly pushing us back. They showed up about a decade ago and are gaining momentum as they get more ground to build and organize on. Within another fifty years, they may very well take over the entire planet despite the fact that we have two other races helping us."

Darien frowned, "What race is this? What grudge do they hold against us?"

Alex tilted his head, "They call themselves the Dranek. With their light blue skin, they are easy to identify. They are also taller than Tarulk and have a tail. We aren't quite sure what they are after. When they first showed up, they kept asking for someone, although we couldn't figure out who. They wanted to check all of the towns to see if they could find this person, but you know how the Council would react to such a request since it would allow them to see any and all defenses we have. The Council's fighters forced them back through the waygate and closed it."

"I take it they came back?"

Alex sighed, "Yes, they came through a different and more remote waygate. We have no idea how they found the code for that one. We don't even know it. An army flooded through and that is where things got weird. They circled each town swiftly, but let the people leave unharmed through corridors they left in their ranks. Those who tried to fight, they beat back. They aren't really trying to kill people and I am fairly certain that they are still attempting to find this mystery person."

Darien frowned, "All this for one person? That makes no sense, armies are not easy or cheap to maintain, especially over so many years. How are they pushing us back? The person they are seeking could have easily disappeared through a different gate since there are half a dozen such gates on that planet."

"They are stronger and faster than us. We are losing ground at the exact speed they choose to advance. We can't even slow them. They also managed to do something to the remaining waygates. The gates are now much more difficult to open and they aren't working properly. People can get to that planet, but it is impossible to leave. They just pass through the veil like it was fog and they don't actually go anywhere. Supplies and letters can be tossed through though."

Darien made a face, "All the more reason to not go there."

Alex shrugged, "That is one reason why Tristan and Clair are still here, Nick is going to open up the waygate later this evening. A dozen more Tarulk are on their way here, and they plan to return home to help with the war."

I finished my omelet and Darien took my plate and set it on a nearby coffee table without even looking away from Alex. He wrapped his arms around me as he leaned back into the chair and relaxed. Alex watched us, "Her skin really doesn't hurt you, does it?"

Darien shook his head, "No, there is no pain or discomfort. I actually need her touch."

Alex examined Darien before carefully asking, "Do you mind if I shake her hand? I am curious to see if her skin pains me like other humans I have come into contact with."

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