Chapter 57

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Darien's POV:

I loosely held Serena, although I doubted she was even aware of it as she concentrated on singing. Her clear voice wove up and down in mysterious shifting melodies. They seemed oddly familiar, yet I knew that I had never heard its like before.

The Dranek all sat silently as they waited. None of us wanted to disturb her concentration. I was keeping a watch on her mind, but all I was picking up was that silver light, only it wasn't flickering anymore. It was a steady glow that I still couldn't get a read on.

It wasn't deep in her mind anymore either, it had come to the front, and was like a smokescreen across Serena's mind. I wasn't able to pick up her emotions at all. I focused on the bond, but it was relaxed, although it almost had a faint ringing quality to it.

"The trees are growing..."

I glanced over at the elder's faint whisper. It took me a few seconds to see it, but the smaller trees were growing at a rate that you could see if you watched for a minute or so. The leaves on all the plants seemed richer and more vibrant.

I was curious as to how far Serena's song would reach. Her soft hum had made a flower garden flourish in seconds, and she had been singing now for quite some time. I was pretty sure that Dranek would tell us once they did some quick scouting.

The inability to read Serena's emotions irritated me. I hadn't quite realized just how much I kept tabs on her and how much I had always enjoyed the soft glow of her quiet happiness. I tried to keep my irritation in check lest it affect the bond and disturb Serena.

I knew she wanted to come here, and watching the look of wonder and awe on her face as she gazed at the forest was worth a small fortune. Serena loved to help people and plants, and I didn't want to hold her back from what she enjoyed doing.

I did want to make sure she was safe though.

The Dranek also seemed quite determined to protect her, which was why I wasn't too concerned about coming to a planet that I had never been to.

Serena's song grew louder and rose even higher with complex chords as the light in her mind brightened even more. I had a feeling that the song was building to its climax. She had been singing for over half an hour, and it was a wonder that she had not lost her voice yet.

Her voice seemed to ring in a way I couldn't put words to, although the high notes were clear. My hearing was excellent, but I couldn't seem to focus on her song. I could hear it, but my mind couldn't comprehend the sounds. They evaded my mind like trying to catch your reflection in the water. It was there, but you couldn't feel it.

The song suddenly faded as it trailed off. I watched Serena closely. The light retreated deep into her mind once more and a wave of exhaustion flooded through my senses as I finally got a read on her.

She leaned more heavily against me as she tried to catch her breath. I picked up her glass of water and held it in front of her. It was safe for her to drink since she had purified it earlier.

She took the glass in two slightly shaking hands before sipping the cool liquid. Her quiet voice was slightly hoarse and her words were oddly stilted as she finally spoke, "I don't remember much... The forest has been rebalanced, but whatever caused the problems hasn't changed and I don't know what it was..."

Her voice faded out at the end against her will. I hadn't noticed that she was losing her voice while she sang, but it was quite apparent now. She was also having a hard time staying awake.

She sipped the water again and I caught the glass before she dropped it. "Sleep, my heart. There will be time to talk when you wake."

I put the glass of water on the tray before I shifted her in my arms so I could carry her bridal style. She nestled her head against my chest as her mind faded into sleep. I knew for a fact that she wasn't going to wake anytime soon.

I carefully got to my feet as the Dranek around us also stood up. Saphira came over as she looked at Serena, her voice was quiet, "We are indebted to her. I can no longer feel an imbalance in the forest."

There was a touch of awe and wonder in Saphira's mind as she watched Serena. Protectiveness was at the forefront, with an undertone of concern. I was once more reassured that Saphira would never harm my mate.

The mate bond shifted protectively as I cradled Serena in my arms, but it didn't do much since I couldn't sense anything from any of those present that I could take exception to. From what I could sense, all of them would protect her.

The elders took the lead as we walked back. It did not overly surprise me that Saphira walked beside me, frequently glancing at the sleeping woman in my arms.

Saphira quietly informed me, "There is a small dwelling on the ground in our village if you wish to stay there, or we can activate the waygate if you wish to return home."

My first impulse was to return home, I knew the lay of the land and was more comfortable there, but that planet was mostly inhabited by those who wished Serena harm. I highly doubted that any of the Dranek would tolerate anything dangerous near their village while Serena was present. Either way, I didn't plan to leave her side until she woke up.

"It may be safer if we remain on this planet for now. There is always a chance that a Tarulk fighter might get past the battle lines, and I would rather not have to deal with that annoyance at the moment."

Anyone who threatened Serena would regret it; although with her sleeping in an oblivious exhausted slumber, any who tried to harm her would likely not live to regret it.

The forest was just as lively and full of birdsong as it had been on our way here, although I didn't pay as much attention this time. The Dranek led me back to their village and showed me a small house in the hollow base of a tree.

Saphira opened the door for me and quietly pointed out the three different rooms. "There is food and water on the table. I will be nearby, call if you have any need."

"Thank you." It was very rare for me to express gratitude to anyone, but I felt that Saphira had earned it.

I watched her as she left the house and closed the door behind her. The room behind me had a bed with several blankets on it. I shifted Serena so I could hold her in one arm while I pushed the blankets back.

I lay down on the bed as I held onto Serena and pulled the blankets over us. I wasn't tired in the least, but Serena would get a better sleep this way. Her mind was quiet and her sleep was too deep for any dreams yet.

She hadn't stirred at all during our trip back. I hadn't realized just how much singing could tire her. No wonder she stuck with hums or the occasional whistle. 

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