Chapter 65

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Serena's POV:

We were getting closer to our destination and I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. We were meeting more people on the roads the last few days, and most had been unhappy to see me, although there did seem to be a few more civil-minded ones who only seemed curious.

None threatened us or appeared overly hostile, but we were on a cart moving at a decent pace. It could be quite different walking through hallways inside buildings. I really hoped that Darien's brother didn't hold a grudge against me because I was human. That would be terrible.

Yesterday, Alex had gone into a nearby village by himself and came back with some things that might make the rest of our journey easier. I now had a light shawl wrapped around my shoulders and wore a large sunhat on my head.

The wide rim on the floppy hat looked ridiculous in my opinion, but Darien and Alex thought it might keep most from realizing that I was human. I had put it on today and, so far, it was working with those we passed on the road, so there was hope for it.

The town appeared in the distance and it was definitely the biggest place I had seen on this planet. Walls surrounded numerous buildings that reached two or three stories high. The gates were wide open with one rather bored-looking guard above. He only spared us a glance as we passed below. The town had people coming and going on various tasks, and the people looked relaxed and happy.

Their glowing eyes skimmed over me and made me realize just how differently they acted when they were under the assumption that I was a Tarulk. It was too bad that I could never pass as a Tarulk close-up though, it would have been interesting to go through the market.

Darien murmured, "Keep close to me."

I nodded my understanding, I also decided to avoid speaking as much as possible where others may hear me. Most Tarulk seemed to have a faint accent and my lack of it would probably give me away. My dark brown eyes were also a dead giveaway among the Tarulks' lighter eye color, so I planned to avoid eye contact if possible.

It took us almost ten minutes to reach the hospital and, to my great surprise, no one realized that I was human. The hospital was much smaller than I had expected, although considering how fast Tarulk healed, it shouldn't have taken me by surprise.

"The main floor is for general first aid, stitches, bone setting, and such. The upper levels are for those who need to stay longer," Darien gazed at the three-story building.

Gardens were planted all around it, giving it a peaceful aura. Alex brought the cart to a stable just outside the main gate and a Tarulk there offered to unhitch the creature. Alex accepted and passed him an octagonal coin.

We walked towards the hospital and entered the main doors. Two Tarulk sat on chairs inside, clearly waiting. One held a bloody towel around his arm and the other held his head in both hands as if his head hurt.

Alex walked over to the reception desk before quickly returning, "He is still on the third floor, room four."

Darien nodded and started walking towards the stairs. The receptionist looked at us sympathetically, before blinking and taking a second look at me. I turned my head so that the back of my floppy hat blocked her view of me. Darien continued to hold me close as we climbed the stairs.

We got to the top level, and I saw that there were six rooms and a bathroom. Only one room had someone in it. Alex paused at the top of the stairs, "I will wait for you downstairs, take your time." His sorrow-filled voice reminded me that Alex thought Darien was here to say his goodbyes.

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