Chapter 68

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Serena's POV:

Lucas tried again, "I am sorry..."

Darien was still giving his brother the cold shoulder, even after Lucas had explained that he thought it was best to lead the two Tarulk away. He had no way of knowing a Valrid was around. He had originally been worried that his acquaintances might have tried to harm me and he wasn't exactly fully recovered if it came to a fight.

Lucas was mournful and clearly felt bad for not being there when the Valrid showed up. If he had been lying, Darien would have known, so at least I didn't have to worry about Lucas being a direct threat. And he had been out cold for two weeks.

I wasn't sure what Lucas could have done even if he had been sitting across from me though. I hadn't even seen or heard the Valrid, and I had just finished looking around before Saphira intercepted its attack. I shivered slightly as I recalled my close call.

Darien held me a bit tighter as we sat in a different garden on the other side of the hospital. I looked up at him, "Would he have even been able to stop that thing without weapons?"

Darien was silent for some time before reluctantly admitting, "No... Valrid may be small, but they are very fast, and it can be hard to spot them if they don't want to be seen."

Lucas tried once more, "Please say you forgive me..."

Darien didn't even look at the pleading eyes, "I will think about it."

A Tarulk entered the garden and headed in our direction. I recognized her as the nurse from earlier, "Alex is awake and is asking for you."

Darien stood up, "Took him long enough. Apparently, the new soulbond hasn't sped up his healing much."

Alex had been injured? "What happened?" Lucas trailed along behind us as the nurse went off in a different direction now that she had relayed the message.

"Let's just say that he was being an average mate-bond-driven fool and got in my way when I was trying to get to you. It seems that his new bond did not increase his strength or speed as much as our bond still amplifies mine."

I winced at the thought of that. It was a good thing that Tarulk healed so fast. That incident might also be why everyone seemed to be avoiding us.

Alex was sitting in the waiting room while holding hands with his new mate. Her shoulder-length blonde hair seemed a bit knotted from her stay here, but otherwise, she looked fine. I couldn't quite say the same for Alex though...

He still sported a couple of bruises, which was unusual for a Tarulk. He watched Darien warily, "Did you have to hit me quite so hard?"

Darien didn't have much remorse for his old friend, "You of all people should know not to get between soulmates when something happens. I wasn't even looking at Fiona, let alone heading in her direction."

Alex winced as he rubbed his chest, "Let's just say that I now know just how unpredictable a new bond is. I wasn't quite prepared for how it would affect my reactions." He frowned slightly, "What exactly happened anyways?"

"A Valrid went after her."

Both of them gasped slightly before looking at me, as if checking for injuries. The woman asked in concern, "Are you alright?"

I nodded shyly and she looked relieved. Alex sounded troubled, "I heard a few small rumors about a couple of Valrid being hired to help with the war, but I hadn't heard anything solid, and they should have been south by the battle line, not this far north. It isn't like them to go out of their way if they aren't being paid."

Darien glanced around before speaking quietly, "I managed to get a few words out of it and apparently the Council hired it after our visit. There are likely more around as well. It was possibly hanging around in case we showed up to see Lucas."

Alex's mate, Fiona, shook her head, "That doesn't make any sense. The Council is not supposed to send out assassins and why would they want her dead? I doubt she committed any major crime."

"That is a very good question and I do not know the answer to it. Serena has never harmed anyone, unless it is just the fact that she is human."

Fiona frowned in disagreement, "That is not enough of a reason for a Council member, they may have sent fighters to bring her in for a trial, but to hire assassins? That breaks the very vows they made when accepting the Council position."

Darien shrugged in irritation, "I have no idea. All I know is that they want to harm Serena. I think it is best if we do not linger here," He looked at Alex, "I would not part you from your mate, and I appreciate everything you have done. I wish you two the best."

Alex watched Darien, "Where will you go now?"

"For the moment, west, just to get out of this area. I have to think about it, but I have a serious bone to pick with the Council, and I do not want to be constantly watching for shadowy assassins."

Fiona looked at Alex, "Why don't we go with them? I never did like lawbreakers and something fishy is going on. Besides, I always wanted to travel and the mate bond seems to have fixed my breathing issues."

"Are you sure?" He looked at her in concern, probably remembering how he had first found her.

Fiona leaned over to give Alex a small kiss, "Positive, anywhere with you would be fabulous, but this sounds like an awesome adventure, and if I let it just pass by, I will kick myself for it later."

Darien was almost certainly contemplating murder of at least one of the Council members and Fiona figured it was going to be an adventure. I made a mental note to never let her book our vacation plans.

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