Chapter 43

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Darien's POV:

My own breathing was heavy in my ears, if they had planned on tiring me out before I got here, then they had halfway succeeded. Even my enhanced abilities had limits and I was clearly reaching them even though the Dranek had slowed her raptor down.

I could hear a large number of Dranek heartbeats ahead. At least fifty were spread out ahead of us. What were they up to? I was not in the right mood to be messed around with.

I lifted my head as my breathing stopped momentarily. I would know that sound anywhere. Serena's heartbeat. I put on a burst of speed that even surprised me. The mate bond was once more lending me strength and speed. The Dranek was startled as I suddenly overtook and passed her raptor like it was standing still.

All of my abilities focused on my speed so I could get to Serena faster. I rounded the bend to see her walking in my direction with an excited look. She must have been able to sense my approach. A dozen armed Dranek ranged around her while giving her some space. I ignored them as I headed for Serena.

"Darien!" Her relieved voice pierced right through me like sunlight after a rainstorm. I had missed her voice so much. I wrapped her in a hug the moment I reached her. The feeling of her skin against mine eased the pain of the bond and stilled my anger. I had missed her like a drowning man longs for air.

The way she clung to me also spoke volumes. Our separation had not been easy on either of us. Her emotions danced along my senses. She was very happy to see me. Relief, relaxation, and love colored her mind as she leaned her head against my chest.

She was finally back in my arms. I felt whole once more.

My muscles slowly relaxed and I felt hers relaxing as well. I could feel her contentment at being in my arms. She had missed me as well. I relaxed my hold somewhat as I looked down at her, although all I could see was the top of her head, "Are you okay?"

She lifted her head and I looked into her brown eyes. She replied, "I am all right. Are you uninjured?"

I lowered my head to gently kiss her forehead, "It would take a lot more than a mud torque and a warren of scrat to injure me."

She sighed in relief and rested her cheek against my chest. Her concern was touching, she truly cared about me. My mind went back to our still-present blue companions. They were keeping their distance, but had circled around us.

I murmured, "The Dranek claimed to have found you wandering around in the forest down here. Is that true?"

She nodded without lifting her head, "Yeah, I had no idea where I was. I was just following a trail when I stumbled across them. They have been very welcoming."

I had my reservations. A strange race welcoming another member from a race they had never seen before when she 'just happened' to appear on their side of the battlefield? That was if they even realized that she was a human and not a Tarulk. I was suspicious to say the least. Especially with what I had sensed from my guide earlier.

Serena wasn't quite telling me everything either, but I suspected that it was because of the nearby Dranek. I caught a few brief glimpses of images in her mind, but they passed too quickly for me to make anything out. The Dranek likely had excellent hearing, so I would have to wait to ask her in private.

The Dranek got some points for leading me to her, but it wasn't going to get them far. I still had no good explanation as to how a human managed to cross such distance on foot in a dark forest crawling with predators. Even a Tarulk would not have attempted such a trek at night. Few would have succeeded if they did try.

When The Heart SingsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz