Chapter 49

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Saphira's POV:

I sat on a rock as I watched Darien carrying Serena along the road. I couldn't quite hear what they were talking about, but whatever it was, Serena looked like she was teasing Darien and it involved a couple of rather heated kisses.

Considering the approaching rain-filled clouds, as well as how Darien had her wrapped up in a blanket, he was planning to return to the house before the rain arrived. They got closer and Darien glanced up to nod at me. I knew that he had been aware of my presence the moment he rounded the bend.

Serena couldn't see me due to how she was being held and sat up to see who Darien was looking at. Her face lit up when she saw me, and I smiled at her enthusiasm. She was always so happy and cheerful.

"Hey, Saphira, how is it going?"

I remained sitting on the rock on the edge of the road. The faint darker tint in Darien's eyes was a subtle sign, although he probably wasn't even aware of it. "Well, and yourself?"

Serena grinned mischievously, "Would you believe me if I said that Darien was kidnapping me?"

"No." The hormones coming off of those two left me with no doubt as to what stage their relationship was at. I doubted that either of them were aware of how easily I noticed it. Dranek were very good at picking up subtle signs and body language.

Serena started laughing at my immediate and certain answer. I smiled in amusement as I realized that Serena found my response hilarious.

Darien was gazing down at her with a tender expression, "Trying to get me in trouble already?"

It always surprised me at how his expression changed whenever he looked at Serena, although it shouldn't surprise me considering the power that any mate bond had. He was very protective of her, and as far as I was concerned, that was a good thing.

Serena wasted no time in lightly kissing his cheek, "I am pretty sure that the kiss kind of gave the game away."

His eyes never left hers, "Very likely."

I averted my eyes politely and decided that the clouds were a safe thing to watch. I knew that their public displays of affection could easily embarrass Serena if others watched, although she seemed relaxed enough around me that my presence didn't cause her any embarrassment.

The clouds were picking up speed in their approach and wisps of rain started to appear under them. "You may wish to speed up if you want to reach the house before the rain comes."

As I expected, Darien wasted no time in starting to jog back to their house. I glanced back and watched as they rounded another bend in the road. I did not worry about their safety since I had already patrolled that area and made sure it was clear. Even if I did miss anything, I was quite certain that Darien could handle it, or at the very least he could hold it at bay until one of the Dranek heard the fight and came to assist.

I got to my feet and headed in a different direction. I quickly climbed a tree and easily travelled through the tree canopy. I had no plans to go anywhere near the village until tomorrow. Their bond was still developing and they needed time to themselves.

When we had guided Darien to Serena, I had known that the bond was fairly new from their reactions. I had sent word to the elders and they had agreed with me, the singer's mate bond was more important than the reason we were searching for her. The forests on my home world had been in decline for centuries, so allowing their bond a few months to settle was not going to change anything back home.

Until I had spoken with Serena, I hadn't realized just how new it was. I had tentatively inquired yesterday about how they had met. Serena had spoken freely about how they had first seen one another eleven days ago, and then she had gone on to explain about the events that had brought them to this planet.

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