Chapter 3

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The next day, just like I expected, the incident had spread like wild fire. The whole school knew what had happened.

Some said he was expelled.

No! I thought he was just suspended?

He was suspended 'cause he started a food fight right in front of her.


It's so great to know that you had that kind of power over people and knowing people were afraid of you.

Once I was in the hallway with my signature converse smacking on the ground. I heard scrambling and students hushing each other. When I walked into the hallway, there was absolute silence, you could hear a pin drop.

The only one that dared to approach me was Maya. Even then we were the only one talking, no one dared to talk.

This incident made people even more scared of me which I guess should thank Asher for it.

"Laura, you should be nicer to the new student, he is hot!" Maya said shaking her head with disapproval, while making a clicking noise in the back of her throat.

"He started it first, besides, he tried to challenge me, you think I will let him walk all over me?" I said shaking my head at her. I love my best friend, but seriously she needed to focus on reality where there is no such thing as 'the one' or 'soulmate'.

You need to fight to survive, no matter how dirty your way is, you can trust no one. You must show people they couldn't push you around and use you. That's my moral. That's what keep me alive in this hell. Yeah everyone thinks that the school's biggest nerd must love school? No, no one likes school. Even if they acted like it to survive it.

The whole day, the students were so silent that the teacher was suspicious that something was happening. If the teachers looked at me with a questioning look, I just gave them a shrugged and small smile and they would continue the lesson happily.

During lunch time, the whisperings and constant glances at my direction just made me feel more powerful. I knew what the whisperings were about. I just stared back at them and they would turn away, suddenly very interested in their lunches.

The whole day, I was over the moon, I was now more powerful than ever. Today, things were so smooth it was like a walk in the park.

The next day was pretty much the same, the school was filled with hushed whispers and stares.

The day afterwards, I was prepared for anything Asher would do. But surprisingly, he behaved. We stayed clear of each other.

But a week later, Kelly, an acquaintance who was also a nerd, a pretty shy and quiet kid, was punished by the teacher for copying Asher's homework. I was shocked, I looked over at Asher and he was smirking at me.

Oh he is going to take down my army, game on.

During lunch I told Maya what happened today.

"Oh my god, I can't believe someone as hot as him can do this," she said shaking her head. "That's it I no longer ship you guys and I hate him."

"Finally, I told you so." I laughed.

We decided to observe for a few days before taking action.

For the next few days I noticed that Asher had been recruiting a lot of cheerleaders and jocks and became friends with them.

So slowly and secretly, I called all the nerds together and we discussed a plan.

First I asked Kelly what happened, and she told us, "So the day before I was punished, Asher asked me how to do the homework and ask me to help him, so I helped him. Later he asked to take a look of my work for inspiration, and I said ok, and I went to toilet. I think during that time he copied mine and gave it to the teacher first."

I mentally facepalm at that, gods she was kind of stupid but I couldn't blame her. Everyone in the school knew to not cross us, and now he had crossed the line.

So I told my army my plan, "Asher had declared war and he wants to take my place and rule this place with his cheerleaders and jocks. We cannot let them do this, we need to show them who's in power and that we control them."

They all nodded, but then Aiden a skinny nerd asked, "How?"

I gave them a mysterious smirk, "We are going to get them in trouble, one by one we are knock them down, first start with cheerleaders, if they ever bullied you in anyway, tell me their names and I will take care of it. Meanwhile try to protect yourself, do not give your homework or any other belongs to anyone. Try to travel two by two and held your head high you need to show them confidence, never show them fear. Maya and I will try to take down one person at a time, if anything happens come and find me ok?"

They all nodded in understanding.

Maya then added, "If you found out they are copying homework from each other, cheating, copying from the internet or doing drugs or alcohol or just anything they don't want people to know, please tell us."

They nodded once again and we left the library which I purposely asked the librarian beforehand that I am look after it and we locked it so no one can eavesdrop.

I decided to stay over at Maya's house since it's Friday so she dropped me off at my house and I got my stuff and she drove me to her house.

"So now lets make a list of the people we need to take down." I said and we got to work.

Soon the list had around 30 people. We had dug out dirt we had about them and marked it down. We could blackmail 9 people, so we decided to do it next week. We also planned in advance to try to observe and see if there was any out of ordinary things.

After we finished, feeling accomplished, we happily binged watch Pretty Little Liars for the thousandths time and talked about the most random stuff the whole night until we fell asleep.

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