Chapter 47

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"Oh my gods Maya, can you believe I'm actually going on my first date today?" I sat crossed-leg in front of her, next to the freshly bought flowers.

"And I'm panicking. Oh gods I wish you are here to help me out and freak out-" I stopped when I heard soft footsteps getting louder and louder.

Tom came into sight, "oh, I didn't expect anyone. I'm sorry." He turned around to leave.

"Wait no," he halted and turned back around.

He looked so much worse than I had ever remembered. The shadows under his eyes stood out against his pale skin; skin stretched tightly against his bones; hunched shoulders; much too big sweater and sweatpants.

"You need to talk to her more than I do," I said gently. I tried not to sound too sympathetic, I knew how much he would hate it.

He tried for a smile but his eyes spoke otherwise. I stood up and gave them some space. I wanted to say something, anything that's encouraging, but I knew it would just sound fake. So I settled for a pat on his shoulder, hoping he would understand.

He gave me an acknowledging glance and then gave his full attention back to her. I left quickly, knowing I needed to give them privacy; but I was not fast enough to escape the quiet sobs echoing throughout the cemetery. My heart clenched and I thought back of my own cries.

I wished I could help Tom, but he was the one who could save himself. All I could do was to silently support him on the sidelines.

No I have to stop thinking about this, I should focus on tonight. I chided myself, allowing myself a break.

I tried to not think about it, but the walk home was still filled with wistful thinking.

"It's already 3! You need to get ready," was the first thing my dad said to me when I arrived home.

I rolled my eyes, "You are worse than girls dad, there's still an hour left,"

"You have to choose an outfit, shower, put on make up and all that stuff. There isn't enough time!" He said seriously, sometimes I wondered were my parents opposite genders. I know I shouldn't be stereotypical, but who's dad worries more about his daughter's outfit than his daughter?

"Okay okay, I'm going to get ready now." I threw my hands up backing away towards the stairs, going back into my room for a shower.

Looking at my clothes, now I wished more than anything for Maya to be here to help me choose an outfit. After a few moments of daydreaming and moping around, I finally chose an outfit.

An oversized white sweater that fell mid-thigh, black leggings and a pair of brown, knee-high boots.

If Maya was here, she definitely would have done something with my hair.

I pinched a strand of hair between my fingers. After a long debate of what to do with it, I settled with leaving it at its natural state. I didn't want to seem like I was trying to hard, I mean he had seen me looking like this all the time anyways. But what if because I wasn't trying hard enough and he doesn't like me?

No he likes me for me, not how I dress, definitely not how I dress because I barely put in any effort.

There was still half an hour left, if I don't do anything, my overthinking will get the better of me and I did not want to go down that path.

So I decided to try to put on makeup. Key word, try. Since forever, it was always Maya who helped me, I had never done it myself. Shock right? 17 years and I had never once done it myself. I guessed I relied on Maya too much. At least I think I remembered some parts?

So with the half an hour left, I tried. First I had to dig through my drawers to find the makeup that I vaguely remembered owning. Next I remembered you had to put on some cream? To make the makeup stick on and it's good for your skin? I'm not even sure. Then I put on foundation and it was so much harder than doing math. How do people even make it look even?

Knowing I was a lost cause in makeup, I just applied foundation, mascara and lip gloss. I didn't even bothered with eyeshadow, highlighter or concealer.

When I was finally satisfied and felt accomplished, I checked the time and it was 4:06.

I frowned, it wasn't like Asher to be late, especially to something this important. I hope he thinks this is important.

I checked my phone for miss calls or text messages, nothing. I tried not to let the worse scenarios cross my mind.

He might just be running a little late, maybe preparing, or traffic. He wouldn't stand me up right?

I scrolled through my phone to distract myself, but it was not working. At 4:21, I gave up and now I was pacing around in my room.

I should probably text or call him, what if he is in an accident? Oh gods no no no, please no.

The cold clammy hands of fear took a hold of me and I frantically called him. It rang for ages and finally went into his voicemail.

No no no, what if it was just like Maya, no way no please no. I was just barely surviving this I can't. If something happen to him I can't.

I texted him a few messages,


Are you okay?

Please call me back

My hand clutched my necklace tightly, trying to hold on to the flimsy hope left.

What if he forgot? He would right? Or maybe he regret?

I would rather he regret asking me than having an accident.

I checked the time again, 4:42. Still no text messages, my message was still left unread. I prayed that he stood me up rather than having anything happening to him.

A knock brought me out of my head, "Laura?"

"Yeah?" My heart started to beat faster, what if my dad was here to break the news?

"Didn't you say that the date is at 4? It's already 4:45." He poked his head in.

"Yes I know." I said distractingly.

"Then..." he trailed off, not knowing what else to say.

"I don't know dad," was all I could reply.

"I will kill him the next time I see him."

If there will be a next time.

"Should have never trust that pretty boy," my dad muttered under his breath as he closed the door.

The silence seemed louder than before, stretching on and on. I couldn't stop pacing and checking my phone.

The cold hands still hadn't let go of my heart, instead it seemed to have tightened.

When a buzz broke the deafening silence, I thought I was starting to hallucinate. Still I checked my phone and my heart jumped out of my chest.

Sorry, something came up, next time.

That was all that Asher had sent me.

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