Chapter 10

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The next day was uneventful, until history which was the second last period and Asher asked me to do the project again.

I gave him a curt nod, soon school ended.

We got in his car and he drove us to my house again, he tried to make small talks but all I did was nodding and giving short answers, soon he gave up and drove in silence.

Once we arrived we worked straight away. We just had to do a PowerPoint and we would be done. We were doing about the society and our life style when Asher gave this brilliant idea, "How about we go to a real high school party and videotape the whole thing so future generations can see how it is like in 2018 in school."

"No." I said, shaking my my head viciously.

"Why not?" He frowned, not getting me at all.

I know it's a good idea but I hate going to social events, although Maya occasionally went to one, I had never been to one before.

"Just no, you can go by yourself." I refused.

"Come on, it will be fun!" He tried to persuade me.

"My parents wouldn't allow me." I said quickly, saying the first excuse that came to my mind.

"Are you sure?" He frowned.

"Yes, why do you think I never went to one?" I said, trying to sound sad when I was relief.

"Laura, I'm home!" My dad shouted, as he walked in, "Oh hey I didn't know we have a guest."

Wow great timing dad. I thought dryly.

"Hello Mr. Clark, I'm Asher Hunt." Asher said politely.

I raised an eyebrow, normally he wasn't that polite, especially to adults.

"Hello Asher, you may call me Jeff." My dad said good-naturally.

"Mr- Jeff, I was wondering may your daughter go to this party that my friends will be having this Friday night?" He asked politely.

That sneaky shuck! No wonder he was so polite.

"Of course she may! Just come back before 1!" My dad said. Then he left us in the living room.

He gave me a triumph look, "Now any more excuse?"

"Yes, I don't want!" I said childishly, crossing my arms across my chest, using the lamest excuse ever.

"It's for the project!" He protested.

"You can go there by yourself! You don't need me!" I argued.

"Why?" He asked, his eyes looked straight at me but I couldn't meet his eyes.

Silence filled the room and it's starting to suffocate me.

"I had never been to one." I admitted embarrassingly.

"So?" He said it like it was not a big deal.

That was not the reaction I was thinking of.

"So? So, I'm not going to one!"

"If you never been to one, you should try to go!"

"Why do you want me to go so badly?" I shouted, throwing my hands up.

He faltered for a moment, then composed himself and said, "It's a group project, we need to do this together.

I knew that's not the real reason but I'm not going to point it out, "Okay I promise I will do all the others by myself, you just need to videotape this then we are done alright?"


"Fine whatever, you won't be able to make me go anyways." I said, frustrated that he was so stubborn.

"I will." He said with a determined glint in his eyes, and he left.

The next day in school, the only thing that people talked about was this Friday's party at Jake's, Asher's friend. The whole day, Maya kept telling me to go how 'this party will be the biggest party ever' and how 'it's the last school year and I should enjoy it and try being a teenager for once.'

"Come on Lau, you had never been to one! Besides Asher will be there. You know how I feel about him! Please do this for me!" She begged me for the thousandth time.

"No, you know I hate socializing." I said in a low voice, afraid that people would hear me.

"But it's senior year! Please just this once, and the project! You need to do the project!" She argued.

Great I should not have told her about it.

"For me, please?" She pleaded, giving me those puppy dog eyes that she knew that was the only thing that worked on me.

"Fine! But I swear if you leave my side..." I said already regretting my decision.

"Ok! I promise!" She squealed happily, giving me a hug.

Geez the things I do for her...

The rest of the day passed peaceful, there were no history lesson today so I hadn't seen Asher for the whole day. The week passed, Asher and I had finished the PowerPoint; except the video. That stupid video.

It's Friday, everyone was excited and happy. While I was scared and anxious.

It was six o'clock, an hour before the party starts, Maya would arrive any minute now.

I paced around my room, trying to calm myself down. I tried to think about books, my fictional characters, but my stupid mind kept on circling back to the party.

All the worst scenarios kept flashing in my mind.

What if it's a prank and Asher is going to embarrass me in this party. This may be a trap. Oh my gods what if Maya left me alone. What do people even do in parties? Most books say they dance, drink and do drugs?What if people force me to smoke weed? Oh gods what will I do? What if Jake's parents suddenly come back? Do his parents know?What if someone ask me to dance and I don't want to? What if I don't know how? How do people even dance in parties? I never learned dancing. What if-

"Laura! Maya is here!" My mum informed me, poking her head into my room, interrupting my spiral of disturbing thoughts.

She rushed in, barely keeping her excitement, her eyes shining like Christmas light.

"You are going to be the prettiest girl there, well not the prettiest since I will be the prettiest but you can be second." She got to work straight away and I couldn't even muster a reply.

An hour later, she had my brown hair draped over my shoulder, she didn't straighten or curl it, since my hair was a bit wavy naturally, she was going to force me to wear a tight red dress but I managed to escape it. At the end, I wore a flowery blouse, shorts, and vans.

While Maya oh gods wore a tight short black dress, 5 inches shiny black heels, bold make up and her blond hair looking how all those cliche book described soft waves tumbling down her shoulders.

"Wow Maya, you really go all out." I said, feeling underdress.

"You can always wear that red dress, it's not too late to change your mind." She implied casually.

I shook my head, we walked down, bade my parents goodbye, went into her car, and Maya drove me to my first ever high school party.

Yay. Fun.

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