Chapter 39

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I gently laid the flowers on her grave. The night was deadly silent; not a single breeze or sound could be heard or felt. The only thing I could see was her tombstone in front of me; yet I knew I was in a cemetery.

"I love you Maya, I'm so, so sorry." I said, my fingers grazing the tombstone gently.

Suddenly, a hand with rottening skin shotted out from the dirt underneath me and clasped my ankle.

I screamed, I tried to shake it off but it was too strong. A raspy voice spoke from beneath, "Why didn't you bury me?"

Tears leaked from my eyes, "I'm so sorry, I know I should have bury you. I'm so sorry Maya."

"Laura." This voice didn't sound like Maya's, but it sounded familiar, too familiar.

I continued screaming, "Please let go of me, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry."


"I'm so sorry!" I woke up, still screaming.

"Shh, shh, it's alright. It's just a nightmare." A soothing voice whispered into my ear.

Realization drawn upon me, yet my heart was still beating too fast. I didn't even feel Asher's arms around me or the tears that were streaming down my face. I was still stuck in the nightmare, the scene frozen in my mind. Her raspy voice replaying in my head like a song on loop.

I missed her voice so much, her normal voice, her mocking one, her sarcastic one, her happy one, her exciting one, all of it.

I had stopped screaming once I realized I was back on my bed, but my tears didn't. "Asher, I just missed her so much." I cried, I had no idea why I suddenly confessed that to him. Right now, I didn't care, I was too caught up in my swirl-pool of emotions.

"I know, Laura, I know." He whispered, stroking my hair lightly. I didn't even realized that he was on my bed and was holding me. My head was resting on his chest and I was on his lap. I didn't mind it at all.

Tears continued to run down my face. They couldn't stop. I didn't bother to stop them, I let them flowed freely. I didn't care that Asher had witnessed it. He didn't seem to mind either, he just continued to hold me tightly and that was all I needed.

When I finally ran out of tears, I tried to get off, but his arms tighten around me protectively.

"I'm just going to the bathroom to wash my face, and change. My sweater is clinging onto me like second skin." I told him. His arms loosen just enough for me to push them off me gently.

I could feel his worry stare burning a whole through my back as I walked into my bathroom. Minutes later, feeling slightly better and much more refresh, I went back into my room.

He hadn't move, his eyes followed my every movement as I got back on my bed. He immediately pulled me towards him, resting me between his legs, his arms snaked around me once again.

I laid my head on his chest and his hand automatically started to play with my hair. An easy silence rested between us.

After some time, he asked quietly, as if afraid to startle me. "Is it a nightmare?"

I nodded, snippets of the nightmare flashed in my mind and I suppressed a shudder.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not yet," I said softly, the nightmare was too fresh, too clear on my mind. I didn't want to relive it again. "but tell me something about you."

"What do you want to know?" He rested his chin lightly on my head.

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