Short Temper

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Tobias's POV
I run my hand up and down Tris's thigh, admiring her as she sleeps, her long lashes fanned out. Never for a second did I think that I would meet someone like her when I got to the net the first day of initiation.
She pulls the blanket closer to her body, shivering. Neither of us bothered to get dressed after the...activity. When I first seen that intimacy was a fear of hers, I pictured having to wait years, or until we were married.
Groaning, she moves closer to me, wrapping her arms around my torso. Her eyes slowly open, meeting mine automatically. "What time is it?"
"Almost six. You feel okay?" She nods shyly. "You don't have to lie about it."
"I mean, I don't really want to say 'Yeah I feel amazing. That was amazing.' That would be kind of weird for me to say," she says. At least I know she liked it.
"What I mean is, how do you feel physically?" Her eyes search mine. I'm still going off of everything I learned of health class in abnegation, and the boys over the two short years. Looking back now, its hard for me to imagine never thinking twice about having a future with someone romantically. There had been so thought in my head like that. I thought I'd be one of those guys who was perfectly fine being alone for the rest of my life; I'm not.
She's showed me that a person does need love, whether its physical or emotional. "Sore, very sore, but that's normal. And my knee is killing me, but that's besides the point," she says, not able to look me in the eyes.
"Have you tried taking some more pain killers for it? Maybe you should go to the infirmary tomorrow after work." She nods, tracing the parts of my tattoo that's peaks out from behind my shoulders. "Your so beautiful."
Her face turns red. "Sure," is all she says. I'm still working on making her see what I do when she looks in the mirror. Ever since I first pulled her out of the net, all I seen was pure, utter beauty, that didn't involve heavy makeup or surgery. "Your so warm," she mumbles.
"Your cold." She gives me a playful glare. I feel a lot closer to her now and I'm happy about that. She leans in and kisses me. Right when she's about to pull back, I deepen it. The blanket comes off of her leg, exposing her smooth skin to my touch.
I slowly run my hand down her thigh and wrap it around my waist. A loud knock comes from the door, making me pull back. She grabs my shirt and pulls it over her head as I find my boxers and sweats.
As soon as I see who's at the door, I wish I had never touched Tris is any sexual way. I feel like I need to wash my hands and other areas of my body in holy water. Okay, maybe not that far, but seeing her parents at my door step when I was just about to make love to their daughter can really scar someone.
"Come in," I say, looking around for a shirt. My eyes land on Tris's from last night next to the couch where they are headed towards. "I-I'll be right back."
Jogging into the bedroom, I close the door relatively loud. Tris's eyes widen in surprise. "I kind of forgot to mention that the other day, I reached out to your parents and asked them to have dinner with us. That way, they could get to know me and not who I am when my father is around."
"So they're here right now?" I nod, removing my sweats and replacing them with jeans from earlier today. "What am I supposed to do?"
"What do you mean? We're having dinner with them." She gives me a "are you fucking serious" look.
"Tobias, none of my clothes are here to change into and...oh my gosh where are my clothes from earlier?" I scratch the back of my neck.
"Their beside the couch; hopefully they won't notice them. Wear these," I say, walking to my closet and looking for something. Eventually I find what I'm looking for and hand them to her. She cocks a brow at the black tights. "Its not what you think. Zeke and Shauna stayed here a few months back and she lefts those in the bathroom."
She nods hesitantly, looking at the size. "There's no way these all fit me. Hate to say it...but I have the body of a teenage boy who is yet to develope." Usually I would tell her that she has an amazing, beautiful body, but my anxiety is through the roof.
I run to the bathroom and grab a paperclip; I have no idea why those are in here. "Turn around," I tell her once she has them on the best she can manage. I bend down and pin the tights as right as possible to her body. "You look fine now."
I open the door and walk out, trying to act as normal as possible. Natalie gives me a tense smile. "Tris is finishing something real for work. She'll be out soon."
"So how long have you guys been together?" She asks.
"About two months now. We started talking around the end of the second stage of training."
"And you were her instructor, am I correct?" Andrew asks. I nod. "That sounds pretty unprofessional of you to be involved romantically with an initiate while still training them." I release a deep breath.
"In all fairness, I couldn't really control my attraction to her; and trust me sir...I tried." The door opens and Tris comes out looking worn out, but as put together as possible.
"What happened to your knee?" Her mom asks in concern, noticing the limping.
"Its a long story that doesn't really need to be shared," she says with a nervous laugh.
"I'm gonna run down to the dining hall and get some food," I say.
Tris's POV
"How's everything going in Abnegation?" I ask, trying to break the awkward silence.
"You mean home?" My dad asks. I look down at my hands.
"Dad, that's not my home anymore. I'm apart of dauntless now. I never really fit in there," I tell him. He's about to say something, but Tobias comes back in carrying the food. Once again, I'm not hungry.
We all sit down at the dinner table, Tobias and I next to each other while my parents do the same. "I forgot how good Dauntless foods taste," my mom says. I smile at her.
"Why did you leave?" Her and my dad lock eyes for a second with the smallest of smiles.
"I don't really know. It just felt right," she says. I poke at my food. Tobias leans in close to my ear.
"You better eat, Tris," he whispers to me. To anyways else that would like a threat, and in a way it is, but not in a bad way.
"Did you know that Robert left too? He transfered to Amity," my dad says. I tense at the mention of Robert. Amity is the place for him.
"Yeah, he always talked about leaving and going there," I say.
"You two had made a beautiful couple. I always wanted you to get married and give is gorgeous grandchildren." Tobias looks at me in shock, not knowing about Robert.
"I'm sorry that you don't get to have that happen. Maybe one day in the very distant future, but not with him," I say, taking Tobias's hand and squeezing it.
"So, why did you leave?" My dad asks Tobias. My mom almost chokes on the burger.
"I didn't belong here. I never really was a fan of all the grey," he lies.
"So the rumors aren't true? About your father mistreating you? He is an honorable man; if the allegations are false, you should come out and say that for his sake." I kick my mom under the table tell her to make dad stop without having the say the words.
"This food is amazing," I say. I haven't even taken a bite.
"There is no part of me that has any respect for that man," Tobias says, squeezing my hand almost so hard it hurts; I swear I feel a bone crack.
"Why is that?"
"Andrew, this is none of our b-"
"No, its okay, Mrs.Prior. Of anyone else should know this, its you guys. My father, who you all practically worship, is an abusive, compulsive, abusive, rapist. I would wake up in the middle of the night to hear my mom yelling at him to stop. And then after he'd come home from work or I was done at school, he would be ready with his belt in hand, ready to beat the living hell out of me," he snaps.
Is it wrong for me to be turned on by him right now?"
"I have to excuse myself," he says politely and goes to the room, locking it. Someone has a short temper. I turn my attention to my father.
"Why the hell would you make him do that?" I snap.
"Someone had to get the truth out of him. To lie about a leader of a faction is disgu-"
"What's disgusting right now, is you. You haven't seen the scars that man has left on his body; I have. And you also haven't seen it happened with your own eyes."
"Sweety," my mom says.
"I love you both so much, and I miss you guys, but my respect for you, dad, is gone at the moment. As much as you might hate it, I really do love him. I hope to see you guys soon and have it be better." They both stand up from their seats. Mom hugs me tightly, whereas my dad doesn't even attempt.
"Goodnight." Once the door is closed, I walk to the bedroom door and try opening it, only to find that it's locked.
"Tobias!" I call out. No answer. "I understand that you want to he alone. I'm gonna go home and you can call me or come over when your ready. I love you."
Tobias's POV
Tears run down my face as I relive all those horrid memories of my life in abnegation. Tris stops talking and the sound of the door closing makes the tears only come harder. Sobs wrack my body.
Your supposed to be strong, Tobias!
I can't.
Then you better try.
I am.
Just like your father always said, your a worthless piece of shit that doesn't deserve happiness.

AN: This was honestly the easiest chapter to write and my favorite. I really want to show a more emotional side of Tobias that isn't just focused on Tris. Please comment and share! Be brave 🔪🔪🔪 -Vaeh

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