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Another day. Another training. Another fight.
I just woke up. I am already getting ready. I just went to bathroom and heard Jay yelling. 'Nothing new' I thought and just shrugged. I went down back to my room and dressed up. Sensei said today will be training again.  I just entered the room and heard what was Jay yelling about.
-And that's why I'm the best ninja, see?- he asked the guys showing his moves with nunchaks.
-Seguro que tienes suerte de que todos tengamos nuestras armas, ya que te hubiéramos golpeado en tus juegos. y-I mumbled and just then I felt someone hit me on my head.
Cole POV
Jay was showing off again. I saw Kai walking in and wondered if he is still mad at us because of what Jay said. But he already told me not to feel guilty about it. And also said that they deserve it.
-Ohhh, what the heck?- my thoughts were cut off by Kai's cry. I turned around and saw sensei Wu standing near him with his bamboo staff. I guess he hit him with his staff. He does it when one of us does something wrong. But what did Kai do? Maybe it's because he mumbled something not possible to understand a few seconds ago.
-Kai, it's not right to talk like that. If your brothers don't understand you doesn't mean they don't hear you. If you want to tell him then tell him it on English language.-Sensei Wu said to Kai pointing at Jay.
-Yeah?-Jay waited for Kai to repeat.
-Ughh, I'm sorry Sensei I won't be like that since now I promise. -Kai answered.
-You don't have to say sorry to me. Apologize to Jay.-Sensei stated
-Wait What? But he didn't even hear OR understand me, why should I?-Kai answered shocked
- Well, maybe you are right. Then maybe I should just translate what you said?-Sensei raised an eyebrow. Well I guess he did. It's kinda hard to tell when his hat covers his eyes.  Kai groaned and looked at Jay.
-I'm sorry Jay.-Kai said annoyed. Jay looked as shocked as Kai was when he heard that he had to apologize to Jay.
-Okay, since you already asked Jay for an apology, I wanted to talk to you alone Kai. If you don't mind.-Sensei asked. Kai looked at Sensei with a little fear running through his eyes. But then he shut them and opened again and he was his usual calm self again. How does he do that????
-No I don't mind Sensei.- he said and followed to Sensei's room right beside him. Just then Zane stood up and said that he has some business to finish and said that he will tell us when he finishes. We all nodded and he went away. Then we started training tired waiting for everyone to return.
Sensei Wu's POV
I know Kai and Nya's story and I feel really bad for them. But even tho I promised to keep their secrets it wasn't right for Kai to just talk behind Jay's back. So I wanted to talk to him once again. We entered in my room and he stopped. I nodded at the chair, he understood and sat.
-So, what did you want to talk about? I already apologized to Jay.-Kai asked impatiently.
-I know. But you wouldn't have asked him for apology if you didn't do what you know you did.-Kai sighed and looked at ground.- Kai I know I promised to keep your secrets and not to mention them and your family but they will find out eventually. Don't you think it would be better for you if you tell him then they will try to make you?
- I don't think they would. Anyways what happened to my parents, my village and to me, is none of their business. I would have told them if I wanted to- he said seriously. He was right however.
- Okay. If you say so. But they are getting more impatient. Hope things wont get to fighting.-I said worriedly.
-You were able to trust me, then why not try to trust your friends too?
-...-he didn't answer-You know why.-he said angrily. I sighed and then nodded for him to leave. We were talking for a while and the training is already over. I guess Kai knew it since he turned into his room. I just hope Zane got enough information.
We waited after Zane, Kai and Sensei went away, then got bored and started training without them. After a while Zane came.
-So? Did you finish you business?-I asked curiously.
-I think this business is just starting- he said.
-What do you mean?-asked Cole like he read my mind.
-Don't tell anyone but I was eavesdropping on Kai and Sensei and heard something we might need.- he whispered. He then played an audio that he recorded. " You know why" and that's how the track ended. So it's something about their village or what? I'm just getting more impatient with every second running. I'm getting so angry just with a thought about it. We have to find out, what is it be about.

Sibling promise ~NINJAGO~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ