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Nya apologized to Jay, turned away and run off. Few minutes past and just when Kai was standing up to go look for his sister hi felt his phone vibrate. He took it out and looked at it.
-It's a message from Nya. She says she will be back in a few hours.-Kai answered to the curious looks of his teammates. They all nod and Jay stood there. He was slightly shocked, sad and mad at this situation.
What just happened?!! What. Just. HAPPENED?!!! I can't believe this just happened. I don't even know what to feel about it. I was really nervous, but still I didn't think that she would reject me like that. It's unbelievable! It's too much for me. I can't believe she did it. I can't. But why? Okay I cant act like I don't see anything. How could he do it? I was ok with him telling me to stay away from Nya. But that was because I thought that he is being protective brother and all that stuff. But actually making her reject me? It's too much. I don't understand how he can just sit there like nothing happened. I thought that he would at least try to apologize. I wouldn't forgive him that easily tho. It's already been two hours since she ran off. And he is still watching his phone texting. Pretty sure that's Skylor. Why can he date whoever he wants and Nya can't!? Her father tried to kill us all!!! But he is okay with that and dates her. But Nya can't date an intelligent, brave, confident, handsome, creative, caring and ... where was I? Oh yeah, ME!!! I tried to ignore it but my sadness went over me.
-Why? I can't believe it just happened.-I whispered. But I guess he heard me because he answered
-You better start.
-What!-I asked
-What? I said you better start believing she said no.-he simply said. That's it. I can't handle it anymore.
-How can you say that? If it wasn't for you she would've agreed-I said my voice getting louder.
-What do you mean by that?-he asked
-As if you don't know. I know you were always saying that she shouldn't be around me, that I'm dangerous and in-trustful. I was acting like I didn't hear any of that. But actually making her reject me was too much-I said getting up. He was still sitting on the half-burned sofa from the last movie night but answered
-What do you mean by making her?.- I guess then he realized what I was talking about. His eyes widen and he looked at me in shock.
-Yes I know everything you were telling her. Not to trust, not to believe, not to care. I can't believe you were actually cruel enough to ruin your sisters life because of your ego. That's too much even for you!-I yelled coming closer to him. This time he got up and looked at me straight in the eyes.
-You think that I was doing all that? You think I was doing all that to Nya? You think I don't have enough problems in my life to do that?-It was the first time he actually confessed he had problems. I felt a little bad for him, but side of me that was mad was stronger.
-Yes. Yes I do think you were doing all that. I don't know what problems do you have in your life, cause you never cared to tell your best friends about it. How can you be that careless? You never bother about our friendship, never care asking if we are okay, never think about listening to us or helping us. You know I met a lot people in my life but your someone I wished to never meet or even see. After all you did to me, it all of us I don't think that we are friends now.-I said. All my pain, my worries, my headaches and everything else in those words addressed to someone I don't know who to call now. I expected him to do everything. Burn me alive, stab me with his sword, yell back at me, fight me or anything else. I know I've said a lot and I am not waiting for him today that it's all okay. Even being the most friendly I wouldn't forgive anyone if they said this to me. And Kai being a hothead, heh. But guess he will be mad for a day or two, maximum week, and everything will be ok. I don't know what was happening to me. He just looked at me and to everyone else.
Kai was shocked by such an answer. Especially from Jay. He looked at everyones's faces and asked
-Do you all feel the same way?-He asked hoping someone will say "Of course not" or something like that. But he knew that was too much of a fantasy even in this situation. He stared at everyone and saw it. Everyone was thinking the same way. Lloyd bit his lip and shut his eyes as if waiting for Kai to explode. Zane was just looking at the wall next to him. Cole was rubbing the back of his neck. Jay was standing there and looking at Kai with hatred and disgust. His gaze was cold witch made Kai shiver.
-Heh-was everything he managed to say. He turned away, and started walking to the door. That pissed Jay off. He thought he already calmed down but Kai's cold and distant chuckle pissed him off. He didn't understand what was happening he felt like darkness surrounded him he felt hatred for the red ninja and blasted him with his electric shock. Kai saw the blast coming but wasn't fast enough to dodge and electricity shocked him. He jumped from pain and screamed from agony. Jay didn't even realize what he had just done before he saw the master of fire falling to the ground. Everyone gasped and ran over to help Kai.
-What have I just done?-He whispered. But the most shocking was that Kai got up himself. He looked at everyone tears forming in his eyes but he refused to let them fall. He stood up but everyone could clearly see that it was painful for him. Zane tried to help him but the fire ninja didn't let him.
-Why? You just told me everything you thought about me. Everything you feel about me.
-Kai please-Zane tried to say something.
-What? Don't try to act so nice now. You showed yourself. And don't say that you are sorry. I know you all would've done that if you could.
-Kai, no please. Listen to us-he was cut off by Kai
-Oh, no. I heard enough from all of you. Any of you. I don't need your pity just because I'm hurt and let's not forget how did I get hurt. I listened without saying a thing and now you try it. Just think about everything that happened to us from the day I met you. And answer your questions. Have you ever bothered about being friends with me? Have you ever cared to ask if I was okay? Have you ever tried to listen to me or help me? You know I met a lot people in my life too. And most of them tried to find answers from me too. But you know, none of them were like you. Like any of you. I used to become calm even when it hurts and learned to hide my emotions. And it was easy because I really didn't care about them. But when I met you things changed. It become harder to keep secrets, to hide my feelings. And I really thought that maybe, just maybe you will be the ones to know. It gutted the most to hear that from the ones I, unlike you, was sure to call my friends. I would have - he said the turned his head to the door like he sensed something everyone turned their gazes to the same direction and saw Nya standing there with tears in her eyes. She didn't even look at any of her so called friends and ran away to make Kais bed ready and get first aid box. Everyone was still standing there proceeding Kais words. Kai started to go to his room when Jay reached his hand and hold Kais shoulder. Kai took a step forward and blasted fire in all directions. Everyone sat and covered their heads. When they opened their eyes they saw that they were trapped in a fire circle. Obviously Kai didn't want them to follow him.
-What you did Jay is called "blast of hatred" - was the last thing he said before exiting the room.

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