Chapter 6 - Kiss Me

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Chapter 6 


A week. 

We’ve been here for a week. 

And throughout that week I watched Ella flirt non-stop with Shane, Alyssa and Dominic making out, and dealt with annoying people.... being annoying. 

I looked at myself in the mirror. Dominic had already left our room to go probably tongue his girlfriend. 

I had a massive headache and my eyes were bloodshot red. 

And the worst part I was angry. I was angry all time and I didn’t know why. 

Something was wrong with me. 

“Yo, Jeremy, hurry up, it’s training time,” I heard Dominic yell. I groaned. 

Why couldn’t I just be alone!

“Coming,” I said grimly. Splashing my face with cold water, I walked out and went upstairs. Little kids were running around screaming. That sound made my ears bleed.

Ella and Shane were getting comfortable in the corner, whispering about god knows what, while Alyssa was playing around with the bow and arrow. 

“Don’t tell me you forgot how to use it already?” Dominic said, coming up behind her. Alyssa turned and batted her eyes. 

“I think I did, come and teach me?” 

I heard someone snort next to me. 

“I think I’m gonna puke,” I heard a girl say. What was her name? Melody? 

I didn’t respond. 

“Jeremy, right?” Melody said, turning her attention to me. 

Something was up. She was planning something. 

“What do you want Melody?” I said. I wasn’t in the mood for games. 

“Are you ok?” She asked, stepping in front of me. “You looked completely stoned.”

“I don’t do drugs,” I snapped, glaring at her. 

“You sure? Your eyes say otherwise,” She said, smirking. 

“What do you want?” I hissed. 

“I think I can help you,” She said, sending me a smirk as she leaned in closer to me.

A little too close. 

“Help me with what?” I growled, looking down at her. 

“You want to make Ella jealous, and I want to hurt Alyssa. What other way than to make out with her cousin?” 

I laughed. “You’re crazy.” 

She chuckled lightly, placing her hand on my chest. She looked at me seductively. 

I looked up and saw Ella’s eyes on me. 

“She’s looking isn’t she?” Melody whispered, going on her tippy toes so she was closer to me. 

“Yeah,” I said, as Melody smirked. 

“So do it. Kiss me.” 

And even though I knew it was wrong, I kissed her. 

She didn’t kiss like Ella, I’ll tell you that. 

And even though my body told me to push her off of me, my head told me not too. 

I felt like I was at war with myself. 

The other me flipped her so she was leaning against the wall. The kiss was fast and hungry. 

Then I, as if something snapped inside me, pulled away. But it was still too late, the damage was done.

Melody bit her lip and smirked. Then she looked past me. 

“Hope you enjoy the show,” she said, as she pushed herself off the wall. 

Don’t turn around... Don’t

But I didn’t listen, and I turned around, only to find everyone staring at me as if they were completely disgusted by me. 

But all I needed was to see the tear in Ella’s eyes to push me over the edge. 

Without saying anything I speed walked over to the exit, climbing the hell out of there. 

I heard someone yelling my name but I wasn’t sure whom so I kept climbing. 

“Jeremy!” Dominic said, yelling from behind me. I pulled myself out of the well and walked away, leaving everything behind. 

“Jeremy wait!” Dominic yelled. I stopped and turned to face. 

“Wait for what? For me to mess something else up?” I yelled. “I’m fucked up, Dominic.” 

“She does that to you, Jeremy. I know, I’ve been there. But hurting them doesn’t win them back,” He said, moving closer. 

“I know- I know,” I said, “But- but I need to get out here.” His eyes widen. 

“What? You can’t leave us just because you kissed-”

“It’s not just that!” I yelled, stepping closer, “Look at me Dominic! I’m a mess, something’s wrong and I don’t know what.” 

“Then let us help you!” He yelled, “You’re my best friend and I’m not giving up on you.”

“Just leave me alone,” I snapped. 

I need to push them away. 

You don’t need friends, Jeremy, he had said, You have to make them hate you. It’s the only way to save them.

“What?” Dominic said, shocked at the sound of my voice. 

“I said leave me alone!” I yelled at him. 

I turned around and ran. 

I ran all the way to the school before collapsing to my knees, crying. 

“Get up,” said a voice. 

I obeyed mindlessly. 

Maybe this will make you listen to me, he had said

What the hell did he do to me? 

“What are you doing to me?” I choked, looking Dr. Storm in the eye. 

He smirked. 

“A lot of things,” He answered, and then he leaned in and whispered into my ear. 

“And now you’re going to tell me where Shane’s underground hideout is.”



Dun.... Dunn.... Dunnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!




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