Chapter 8 - I Barely Told Them Anything

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Chapter 8


The Zombie jumped on Shane without warning. Shane fought with it and when I was about to point my arrow at it, someone grabbed me from the arm.

“Let me go!” I said. The guard laugh and tighten his grip on me.

I looked at Shane and saw that him and the animal like zombie were wrestling. He pushed it off of him and for the split second it was distracted Shane grabbed his axe, standing up.

The zombie snapped his head to Shane and he didn’t hesitate to take his head clean off.

“Damn it,  Shane,” Dr. Storm said, coming from the tunnel. “You have to stop killing my lab rats,” He said, walking over to the dead girl. “I mean, she was a present.”

“Why did you kill her?” Shane growled, looking Dr. Storm in the eye.

“Stephanie? She knew too much,” he responded, then turned to us. “Just like them.”

“No,” Shane said, stepping closer, “You have me, let them go.”

But Dr. Storm smirked. “They know too much.”

“They don’t,” Shane said, “I barely told them anything.”

“They know enough,” Dr. Storm said. “Take them.”


“Hey A, you ok?” I heard Dominic whisper as we entered the main door of Dr. Storm’s secret lab.

“I’m fine,” I whispered back, sending him a smile.

Even in life and death situations, he was still worried about me.

We were led down some really long stairs, like really long, until we came to a big glass door. Dr. Storm pressed a code and the doors slid open and we came face to face with the same Lab we were before.

Only Jeremy was in the chair this time.

“Jeremy!” I yelled, trying to get the guard to let go of me. Jeremy groaned but didn’t open his eyes.

“Jeremy! What the hell are you doing to him?” Ella yelled.

“You guys ask so many questions,” Dr. Storm said, and I had a sense of deja vu.

“Let them go, John,” Shane said, slowly.

Dr. Storm’s first name is John?

He looked more like a Mark.. or a mentally ill homicidal maniac....

Whichever, really.

“Hey, Jeremy, your friends are here,” John sang, walked over to Jeremy.

We were pushed closer and I noticed the tubes coming out of his arm.

“Hm,” Jeremy said, “You said... you... wouldn’t... hurt... them,” he said, rolling his head back.

Dr. Storm laughed. “I lied.”

Shane laughed. “Shocker,” Shane said, as the guard brought him to a chair next to Jeremy.

“Oh look, a chair with your name, Shane,” John said, smirking.

“There’s one thing I forgot to tell you,” Shane said.

Dr. Storm’s smirk fell.

“Shane... if you-”

Shane smirk. “You know me so well,” he said. A growl echoed through the room.

But it wasn’t a zombie.

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