Chapter 12- The Truth Comes Out

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Chapter 12


We all waited for Shane to continue.

Shane sat on top of the table, passing his fingers through his hair.

"I've known John Storm all my life," he started, as everyone’s watched him.

All his life?

"My mom," he said, smiling as he drafted deep in his thoughts, "She use to work for him. She was his assistant. She was so smart. She absolutely loved Science...” He trailed off, staring off to the distance. “And she was madly in love with that.. monster.” His eyes became cold. “She could never see the evil inside, not like I did. I told her a million times she should’ve just quit, but she couldn’t. She loved him.”

His eyes fell to his hands.

“I know everything about him because his lab use to be like, my playground. My mom worked long hours, probably just to be closer to him, and she always brought me along. But one day-” his voice cracked, as he looked back up, his eyes getting watery.

“One day she finally saw it. She saw him injecting something into Sparky. Animal testing was against the law and she completely freaked out on him. Started calling him names, and that got him mad. So he fought with her, until he pushed her so hard she hit her head on one of his tables.”

He stopped for a second, taking a deep breath.

“She died immediately. But worse part was, right here-” he brought his hand to the side of his forehead “-was a needle, the same needle John used on Sparky. He had been researching for years of a way to make a human... become stronger, powerful. But not once did it ever occur to him that the only way his disease would work,” he stopped and turned to face us, “was if the human was dead.”

There was a silence as the information slowly sank in.

“I watched as my mother came back to life, hours later as a zombie, the first zombie. I screamed when I saw her, damn I was so scared. Just to think, not only did I just lose my mother, but his virus actually worked. He heard me and ran. But once he caught me, he handcuffed me to a chair while I watched him... examine my mother. There was this sick happy look on his face as he looked her over. He sent one of his student trainees to take a blood sample. His mistake. My mother bit him right in the neck, thus creating the second zombie.”

Shane ran his fingers through his hair.

“Dr. Storm knew he needed to get rid of anyone who knew of this, beginning with me. He locked me up in a cage for two years. And in those two years he did to me exactly what he did to Jeremy. He injected me everyday for two years with the Odeyer. Imagine me just like Jeremy, but ten times worst. He let me out of the cage finally, now that I was his perfect little puppet.”

He started playing with his hands as he continued.

“In those two years, John had created more of his zombie virus. But he wanted more. He had started shipping all his things to the lab he has now, here in Washington.”

Shane’s eyes fell on Ella, as if what he was going to say next only affected her.

“He sent that virus on an internationally plane, to put down all suspicions. That plane crashed, from a storm coming in from Florida.”

Me and Ella gasped at the same time, looking at each other.

That was the plane that Eric and Pete were in.

“And because of the flaw in his creation, where it only worked on dead people, everyone on that plane, that had people from all around the world, came back from the dead. Probably delayed due to the fact that they had to escape a coffin and crawl six feet.”

You Can't Cuddle With The Resistance (Old Verison)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora