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ONTARI'S COMMENT MUST have had the proper effect on Katniss, because at the next day of training, the younger girl approaches her while she's busily catching up on her readings of edible plants. The older tribute doesn't notice her at first. But then, upon clearing her throat, Ontari looks up from the book and doesn't bother to hide her surprise.

"Can you help me?" Katniss asks, the question clearly foreign on her tongue. "With sword fighting, that is. I could give you a lesson on archery if you want."

Ontari raises an eyebrow. "There's an assistant that could help you."

"Yeah, but from what I've seen, he's an ass," she says without blinking, causing Ontari to smile widely and close the book.

"Of course I'll help you."

She isn't sure what made Katniss suddenly decide to be civil with her. Maybe her words made her realize that the other victors have been through as much hell as she has. Maybe Haymitch nudged her in the direction of actually wanting to make friends. But either way, she's glad it happened, because now she has a greater chance of gaining her trust in the arena. And it'll be a hell of a lot easier to keep her alive that way.

Last night, Johanna had come to their floor to discuss their options for allies. Cassian had been requested by Brutus, Cashmere, and Gloss, while Ontari caught the eyes of Enobaria, Chaff, Seeder, and the siblings from One as well. Each had been politely declined. Now Ontari has a reason to fear Enobaria ripping out her throat with her teeth while she's sleeping, but tries not to dwell on that fact too much.

They know for sure that Wiress, Beetee, Finnick, Mags, and Blight are on board, making eight of them total. Katniss and Peeta make ten. It's a fairly good number, but it still leaves too many people trying to kill them.

Ontari wonders if they should include some of the other Careers. This year's twist had fueled their anger toward the Capitol, but would they give up more fame to two teenagers? She isn't sure she's willing to take that risk.

She trains Katniss in the art of sword fighting for exactly an hour. The younger girl is determined, she has to admit, and fairly decent with a blade in such a short amount of time. Ontari mainly condenses everything she'd taught Cassian into a simple enough lesson which Katniss seems to grasp.

But if one thing's for sure, the same cannot be said for Ontari and archery. Katniss teaches both her and Finnick simultaneously because he'd given her trident lessons or something, and she can't help but feel completely inept as each arrow misses its mark. Not even her immense upper-body strength aids her. This, the fact that she's covered in sweat, and the frustration of everything going on is digging her into a deeply sour mood.

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