16 | canary's song

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▕▔▔▔▔▔▔▿▔▔▔▔▔▔▏CANARY'S SONG▕▁▁▁▁▁▁▵▁▁▁▁▁▁▏

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ONTARI CAN SEE the wheels turning in Katniss' head. Her stormy grey eyes dart across each of the segments of the arena, divided into twelve pieces by the thin lines of black rock between each tribute platform. The blood rain is still falling at present. That means that the fog is next. The ragtag group of them are seated below the monkey-infested trees, but they're still close enough to the next slice of jungle that Ontari feels her skin crawl beneath her jumpsuit.

"Get up." Katniss abruptly shakes Johanna awake, then moves on to Peeta, Cassian, and Finnick. "Get up— we have to move."

Peeta mumbles a sleepy, incoherent question about why they're being roused. Ontari shifts her gaze from the lightning tree to the newly-awakened tributes, all with scowls on their faces. Finnick brushes sand from his cheek and sits up once he sees the expressions of alert on Katniss and Ontari's faces.

"Wiress hasn't been speaking gibberish," Ontari explains as she puts her back to the salty spray of the water.

Katniss nods. "The arena is a clock. Every hour, there's a new horror. First, the lightning every time it strikes twelve. Next is the blood rain, then the fog, then the monkeys, and so on. Every strip of rock represents a new section of the arena; that's why the fog disappeared once we crossed into the mutts' territory."

Johanna's already permanent scowl etches deeper into her mouth until the lines around her lips look like slashes in her skin. "Of course. As if this wasn't already enough of a nightmare."

While Katniss moves to wake Wiress, Cassian gets to work on rising a still-delirious Beetee from his slumber. The injured man is still weak. His skin has a pale sheen to it, but he's still able to gasp, "Wire."

"She's right here," Peeta says. "Wiress is fine. She's coming, too."

The older man shakes his head and repeats, "Wire."

"Oh, I know what he wants," Johanna sighs, crossing the beach to pick up a small, blood-coated cylinder near Beetee's discarded belt. "This worthless thing. It's some kind of wire or something. That's how he got cut. Running up to the Cornucopia to get this. I don't know what kind of weapon it's supposed to be. I guess you could pull off a piece and use it as a garrote or something. But really, can you imagine Beetee garroting somebody?"

Ontari hides her smirk under an equally as false expression of confusion. This is where their plan falls into place. Kill the remainder of the tributes who aren't a part of the alliance, then Plutarch will handle it from there. Only, they have to play a bit dumb in order to maintain their compliant façade to the Capitol.

"He won his games with a similar wire," Cassian reminds them. Of course, they can't play too dumb. Cassian Nightfall not figuring this detail out would likely ring bells of suspicion in the Gamemakers' ears. His reputation holds him as too smart not to put two and two together.

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