17 | fools rush in

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▕▔▔▔▔▔▔▿▔▔▔▔▔▔▏FOOLS RUSH IN▕▁▁▁▁▁▁▵▁▁▁▁▁▁▏

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SHE CAN FEEL the force of the Cornucopia spinning even from beneath the waves. The newly-created current drags her to the side, pulling her without her body's consent until she slams into something so hard she sees stars behind her eyelids. Her eyes open to chaos and the swirl of bubbles from the force of the moving island. But through the stinging saltwater, she can see an arrow, an alarming amount of red, two soulless eyes staring at her, and—

Ontari is staring at Gloss' corpse.

Fighting not to scream and lose even more oxygen, she shoves the body away. The Cornucopia seems to have stopped spinning judging by the way the water has started to calm down, but she's so disoriented that she feels utterly trapped. Bubbles, turned crimson by Gloss' blood, continue to swarm her. Everything looks the same. Her chest is burning, begging her for oxygen, and she wonders if the man from Five that she'd drowned is laughing at her from the afterlife.

Up. Which way is up? Her mind is screaming at her, warning her that she doesn't have much longer until instinct takes over and she takes a huge lungful of ocean water instead of oxygen. Up, up, up, up—

She raises her arms above her head and swings them downward, rocketing her in some direction. Her movements are still too slow and sluggish. But she keeps using that same motion to propel herself to what she hopes, prays is upward.

When her head meets the humid air of the world above, she automatically sucks in a breath, only to be slammed in the face with another wave from the choppy waters. Her lungs spasm, forcing the unwanted substance back up so she lets out a horrible-sounding cough in an effort to spit it back up.

"There!" Beetee's voice calls from a distance. There's a splash from beside her before she can even open her eyes. Someone's arms circle her and heave her above the relentless waves, allowing her to retch until her lungs are clear. Her body, exhausted, slumps against what she knows is Finnick's chest. He gives her several moments to calm down and regain her breath. From below, his powerful legs churn to tread the water.

"I've got you," he whispers in her ear, her temple pressed against the front of his face. Her chest is still rising and falling rapidly but seems to be more regular than before. Her heart rate slowly returns to normal, so different from the persistent pounding from before that it's shocking.

Cassian is waiting for them at the shore, crouched by the edge of the island she'd been thrown off of. He stretches his arms out so Finnick can wade them over and pass her to him. Her brother scoops her up underneath the arms, Peeta holding him steady so he doesn't topple in as well. Cassian sets her down a good meter away from the rock's edge. Finnick, now just as soaked as her, pulls himself up with the help of Johanna.

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