9 | heaven in hiding

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▕▔▔▔▔▔▔▿▔▔▔▔▔▔▏HEAVEN IN HIDING▕▁▁▁▁▁▁▵▁▁▁▁▁▁▏

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AS HER PREP TEAM surrounds her in a whirlwind of chaos, Ontari drinks her coffee greedily. She's glad that they have learned to work through her constant motions over the years. Sleep hadn't come easily the night before, and she craves the caffeine in her hot beverage, hoping it will lure the remnants of fatigue from her body. Today isn't one for rest— it's interview day.

Once again, she has no idea what Venus has in store for her outfit. Her team stays cryptic about it the entire time. They don't answer any of her questions, though Sable's face pinches when she pleads in a softer voice. Leome elbows her. She doesn't relent.

Ontari tries her best to relax in the chair as the trio does her hair, makeup, and nails, but she can't help the tension in her shoulders. It's as if her entire body is being pulled taut with a string. She's had to deal with years of press, of being on camera for most of her time after the Games, of pretending to be someone she's not, that she shouldn't be nervous for tonight. But she is. And she can't figure out why.

Something about the fact that she has to present herself to an audience of people who already adore her and try to get them to love her even more makes her feel queasy. The opening ceremony and training days were fine. But the end-all is approaching, and in twenty-four hours, she'll be released back into the place she loathes the most.

It hasn't hit her until now— really hit her. There's this talk about saving Katniss and Peeta, of forming a strong enough team to make them survive. Her real life has come to a standstill. Everything she's ever known outside of the Games will never be the same. She might never be able to return to her home in District Eight. She may never be with her parents again, or even her sister.

District Thirteen. They have to save them. Surely they will, right?

Ontari convinces herself this in order to calm her nerves. Of course they'd save their families.

Her prep team is eerily quiet for the remainder of the time it takes to get her ready. Since the opening ceremony was only days ago, there isn't much for them to do except make her hair glossy again and paint her nails. The makeup is what takes the longest.

As usual, Ontari doesn't pay much attention to her reflection across from her. Her eyes are glazed over. She feels the soft motions of brushes on her eyelids and cheeks as if they're from far away. She's retreated to her own little corner of her mind— one that's filled with Cassian smiling with a book, Hestia making tea, her parents, and Finnick laughing. All of the things that keep her sane amid this unstable world.

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