Chapter 5

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Inside the elevator agent Williams holds his finger against a small glass panel. On the mirrored wall of the elevator appear digits so he can choose a floor number. Leave it to Tony Stark to have fancy high tech stuff.
The elevator ride is fast and we get out on the 27th floor to step into a hallway that looks like it's part of a very expensive apartment building. It has a totally different feel than the white lobby downstairs.
There's a marble floor with a dark blue rug with gold specks. Marble columns are lining the walls, decorated with gilded ornaments. The ceiling has swirly ornaments too, again in gold. Right across from the elevator is a wide double door, made of a dark colored wood, decorated with gilded trims. Two potted palm trees stand on either side of it, its crowns almost touching the ceiling. To my left and right are four other wooden doors, two on each side.

Thor walks to the door and places his index finger on a small panel on the doorknob, which I didn't see before he touched it. Fancy high tech stuff indeed! The door knob lights up, a thin ring of green light around it, and Thor opens the door for us.
Agent Williams and Thor just stroll through, but I stop after setting two steps into the apartment. It is huge! It easily has more floor space than the bookstore and the coffee shop combined. Next to me is a hall table with a flower arrangement in a classic vase and in the corner is a coat stand with a couple of dark coats on it, but after that the space widens. A few steps further the wall gives way to my right, to an open kitchen with a cooking island, a bar with some stools and a large dining table.

A woman I don't think I've ever seen before is standing in the kitchen, filling up glasses with juice. By the looks of her, she is from Asgard too. She wears a long flowing dress in peach and has her hair braided up. She looks a little younger than my mom, maybe she is the woman from the elevator. She looks up to me and smiles. "Welcome, lady Ylva. Would you like some freshly squeezed orange juice?"

What? How does she know who I am? This day is full of surprises! I decide to just roll with it. "I'm sorry, I don't believe we've met." I walk up to her, but as I want to extend my hand I freeze half way. Do they shake hands on Asgard?

The woman takes my hand in both of hers and introduces herself with a smile. "I am sorry, my lady. Heimdall has told me about you, but I've not had the pleasure yet to meet you. I'm Lady Eir, healer of Asgard."

"Nice to meet you, lady Eir" I say, carefully repeating the foreign name she just told me.

"Now, can I offer you some juice?" she asks, letting go of my hand and turning back to the pitcher with orange juice on the kitchen counter.

"Yes, please." I answer politely, turning around to see the rest of the room.

Close to the kitchen is a wooden old fashioned desk with a computer on it. Above the desk is a large painting, depicting a bearded man with a helmet and a spear, riding an eight legged horse through the clouds. That must be Odin, father of Thor, and of course his adoptive son Loki.
Thor and agent Williams have stepped into the living room and sit down on a couch, their backs to the kitchen. There is a very long curved couch along with several big chairs. Heimdall is sitting there too and he inclines his head when he catches my eye. I nod back by way of saying hi. Lady Eir puts the drinks in front of the men on the couch.

A couple of bookcases line the wall on both sides of a fireplace. The ceiling here is decorated in gold, just like the hall. The room has a very luxurious vibe, however, the best thing is the view. One whole side of the room is made of glass, showing a spectacular view of the city. I walk over to the window and spot a large turning chair, facing the city and the sky. From where I'm standing I can't see the face of who's in it. All I see is an arm in a green shirt placed on the armrest, long fingers slowly tracing figures on the upholstery.

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