Chapter 21

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Being the guests of honor means that lots of people want the attention of Thor, Loki, Lady Eir and Heimdall, one after the other they come over to talk to the Asgardians. Heimdall is his usual silent self, so people don't linger after introducing themselves. Lady Eir has been talking to the same people for a while now, they're board members of a hospital or something.
Thor and Loki get the full treatment, everyone wants something of them. At first, they are pretty relaxed about it. Thor is being his usual jovial self and I get to watch Loki in a way I've never seen him before. He is talking animatedly with the men and even flirts with some of the ladies. He is quite the showman!
But it seems like there is no end to all the people they have to meet. I get tired from just watching it, so it must be even worse for them. Loki's lips form a thin line and I can see that even Thor's easy smile is getting strained.
Apart from the group I came here with, I don't know anyone here. Well, there are lots of famous faces, but I can't imagine myself walking up to Bill Murray to tell him I still watch Groundhog Day every year, and talking city affairs with the mayor and his wife is also out of the question. Steve and Sharon are talking to other people, so I'm just left to myself at the moment. Every now and then I can see Loki's eyes dart to where I'm standing, but the other guests keep him pretty occupied.

Just standing here is rather boring, so I decide to walk around for a bit. The party is being held on a big terrace, with broad stairs leading down to the lawn on both sides. On the lawn is a big tent with a bar and between the tent and the terrace there is a dancefloor. A chamber ensemble is softly playing cheerful tunes, they sound pretty good, playing a mix of classic and modern music. However, nobody is dancing yet, I guess it's too early for that. The guests seem pretty occupied with mingling and being seen. No way I'm going out on the dancefloor alone, so after listening to a couple of songs I head over to the bar. I had a glass of champagne earlier and the bubbles went straight to my head, so I hope they also have some alcohol free beverages. At the bar I discover something better: they have tea!

I look around for somewhere to sit. After standing in one place for so long, my feet are killing me in this heels. Not spotting a free chair nearby, I put down my cup of tea on a high table. I take off my shoes, grab my tea in one hand, clutch and shoes in the other and saunter off to find another place to sit. The grass feels lovely on my bare feet and I walk around the tent to see more of the garden. Behind the tent the lawn goes on for a couple of yards and then it gives way to a rose garden. The sun is almost setting and in this evening light the garden looks beautiful. Small hedges form rectangles filled with flowers, divided by narrow paths with white, round pebbles. Carefully planting my feet, I slowly make my way through the garden, the pebbles feel nice and cool to my sore feet. The air is heavy with the smell of roses, I breathe in deeply to inhale as much of the scent as possible. I accidently drop one of my shoes and with my hands full I see no easy way to retrieve it, so I leave it there to pick it up on my way back.

At the centre of the flowerbeds is a fountain; a marble statue of a woman that holds some sort of basket with flowers over her head. Water flows down from three sides of the basket. The fountain has a wide edge, and I decide it's a perfect spot for tea.
Watching the party from a distance, I enjoy my tea. I can still hear the music and the voices, although the gurgling of the fountain is more present. After emptying my cup I put it on the ground and sit back on the edge of the fountain, moving the tips of my fingers through the water which is still a bit warm from the sun. Moving up my dress to my knees, I swing my feet over the edge and put them in the water. I'm making slow circles in the water, perfectly content with my spot.

"There you are!"

I can hear a mixture of relief and anger in the voice. The corners of my mouth curl up. Loki. I turn my head to face him.

"This is yours, I believe?" My shoe is dangling from his finger. I stifle a laugh, which causes Loki to arch his eyebrows. I can see from his face he is a bit annoyed he had to come find me.
"What is so funny?" he asks curtly.

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