Chapter 27

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With some help from my mom I have put my new phone to use. She also managed to download the photos from my old phone onto my computer. Scrolling through the pictures I get to the last one: Captain America in his tuxedo. I attach it to an email for Thomas and after that I delete it. I don't want to be reminded about that moment.
Mom also helps me to write thank you cards to Chad and Tony Stark. I did not have a very high opinion of the two men before, but their gifts are very thoughtful and much appreciated. We also write a card to the limousine driver, addressed to Stark Tower. I don't know his name, but surely they will know who to send it to. If it were not for him, I could have been dead for all I know.

And because that was enough excitement for the morning, I go back to bed after lunch again. The pain medication keeps the pain manageable, but I can't concentrate on something very long. And watching tv or reading hurts my eyes after a few minutes. So, with nothing to do, an afternoon nap seems like a good idea.
And that's how I fill my days: chatting with my mom, watching tv for 10 minutes, napping, and chatting with my mom again. I think it's been years since we've talked this much. Bit by bit, I tell her everything about Loki. Well, not everything... Telling someone Loki is responsible for the Chitauri attack on New York still doesn't seem like a good idea. But I tell her he did something bad and went to jail for that. Of course, that part of my story just fuels her opinion that Loki is bad news and that I should stay away from him.
But, she also listens to me gushing about how we danced at the gala. How nice it was to sit with him at the fountain, just the two of us. And how he treats me like I really matter.

"I get it, honey, I do," she says. "You two make a handsome pair," she adds, tapping the photo on my nightstand. "But..."
I already know what she is going to say.
"I think your aunt and uncle are right. Loki is a very public figure right now. Not everyone is happy with his stay on Earth, the attack proved that. You were very lucky. It could have been so much worse!"

"I know, I know..." I say softly.

"I'm just afraid that you are going to get hurt, one way or the other."

The doorbell rings and mom gets up to see who it is. I hear a woman, but I can't really make out who it is. Then my mom comes up the stairs again.

"Here, you've got mail," she says, tossing a big white envelope on my nightstand. "And there is a girl for you. She says she is your friend. Her name is As... Azera or something?"

"Astera is here? Great! Why don't you let her in?" My mood instantly gets better.

When Astera enters my room, mom is just apologizing to her for not letting her in right away.
"I just wanted to check with my daughter. New York is a big city, you know," mom says.

"Is ok, madam," Astera replies in her flawed English.

"I'll get you something to drink and then I'll leave you girls to it."

"I'm so glad you came!" I call out when Astera takes a seat next to my bed. "Mom is great company, but I could really use some fresh faces. Lisa and Thomas are busy working at the coffee shop, so things have been quite boring this week."

Astera just smiles and asks how I am feeling.

"I'm getting better. The bandage on my head is gone, so at least my looks improved! And I can lift my shoulder if I'm careful, so that's great too."

"Good," Astera says. "They be happy to hear at home." She tells me how the Asgardian community at the apartment complex feels sorry for what happened to me. I'm surprised to hear they all know about me.
"Yes, you with prince Loki, we like that," she says smiling.

I actually blush a little at her words. "Well..." I counter, "I don't know if I'm exactly wíth prince Loki."

"Prince Loki mostly alone. Now you with him. That special," Astera says convincingly.

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