Chapter 32

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I don't remember my bed being so soft. I stretch myself and all of a sudden it dawns on me. My eyes grow big and I shoot upright.

This. Is. Not. My. Bed.

This is not my bed! Whose bed is this? I look around the room. Cream wallpaper, dark green curtains, green duvet on the four poster bed. I'm in Loki's bed!
And where are my pants?

I still got my top on from last night, but I'm not wearing my jeans anymore. Looking around the room, I spot my bag and jacket on a chair by the window and my shoes neatly placed in front of the chair on the floor.
The room is silent. No sign of Loki anywhere and it looks like I'm the only one who slept in this bed.
My head pounds like there's a drumband marching through my brain, probably from drinking too much last night. I feel nasty and could really use a shower. Brushing my teeth would be nice too, my tongue sticks to the inside of my mouth in a gross way. I don't know if I can find an extra toothbrush in Loki's bathroom, but at least I can shower. I would definitely feel better if I had showered before facing Loki again. I don't remember anything after getting in the car with him, so who knows what embarrassing things I have done.

When I get out of bed I step on my jeans, lying in a messy heap right next to the bed. I decide to take them with me to the bathroom. Maybe my clothes will smell better after a treatment with the steam of the shower. I peek around the corner of the bedroom before entering the sitting room. Still no sign of Loki. There is a blanket on the couch, maybe he slept there? I hurry across the room to get into the bathroom.

The hot shower takes some of my headache away, but I still regret drinking too much last night. Loki's shower gel smells of peppermint, which helps to wake me up. I wash my hair and body and take some time to just enjoy the hot water streaming down my skin.
The bath towel is big and soft and I look around in the drawers in search for a brush or a comb. I find both, so I can make myself presentable. I even find a new toothbrush so I can brush my teeth! I'll get Loki a new one later. I feel better now I'm clean again. Unfortunately my clothes still smell like a night of dancing and drinking. Now what?
A green silk robe hangs on a hook in the bathroom, I decide to put it on for the time being. It's a little big, but it will do. And when I look in the mirror I must admit I kinda like wearing Loki's clothes.

I step out of the bathroom and there is Loki. He is lying on the couch with his feet up, reading a book. He turns his head when he hears me coming out of the door and smiles. "Good morning, my little wolf."

I take a seat on the armrest near his feet, carefully adjusting the robe to make sure I'm decent.
"Good morning. I hope it's ok I used your shower?" I ask. "And your robe..."

Loki smirks. "It suits you." He sits up and gestures to a tray with tea and bagels on the coffee table. "I got us breakfast."

I take a seat next to him on the couch and take the cup of tea he is handing me.
"Did you sleep well?" he asks, getting a bagel from the tray.

"I did, thank you. Although I don't remember getting here," I reply, sipping from my tea. "Loki, why am I here and not at home?" My cheeks redden at the thought of what the reason can be. I think I slept alone, but then again, I woke up without my pants.

"You fell asleep in the car," Loki says in an amused tone.

"I thought so, yes. Sorry about that." I'm almost too embarrassed to look at him.

"It's ok. Actually, I was planning to drop you off at home, but I couldn't find your keys in your bag. And waking up your uncle in the middle of the night is not something I wanted to repeat any time soon! He was not happy the last time I did that," Loki explains.

"Hm... probably a wise decision."
I get up to retrieve my bag from the bedroom, to search for my keys. I turn the whole bag upside down on the couch, but my keys are nowhere to be found. "Shit! I must have lost them last night at the gig. I am sure I had them when I left the house!"

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