Chapter 17

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The day of the gala I decide to walk to Stark Tower. The weather is beautiful and hauling a cab would take almost as long as walking there myself. I have stuffed a bag with clean clothes, toiletries and two different pairs of shoes I think would look nice with the dress. Lisa lended me a pair of pretty silver strappy sandals with a small heel and I have black pumps too. I also have a small black bag to carry a few necessities. I figured black would be a good choice, as Loki is wearing black and green most of the time. I'm curious to find out what he will be wearing, I don't think it will be a regular tuxedo.

At Stark Tower I announce myself at the reception desk. The receptionist gives me a keycord with a plastic card and tells me I just have to hold it to the touchscreen in the elevator and then it will take me where I need to go. And indeed it does, as soon as I hold it up to the screen the digits tell me I'm going to the 27th floor.

The hallway is just as I remember and I knock on the wide double door to the apartment. The door is opened by Heimdall, who welcomes me and takes my bag from me. I don't see Loki or Thor, it's just Lady Eir, Brunnhyld and her lady helpers.
"Welcome, Ylva," Lady Eir greets me. "Come sit with us. We'll drink some tea and then we will start the dress fitting."

Sitting with the women at the kitchen table, it's almost like I'm with my friends from home. We're just chatting about little things, and it's really nice. Tova and Astera are starting to learn English, and they're practicing really hard. Astera seems to have quite an ear for languages, she can already make short sentences.
Heimdall is in the living room, reading a book about astronomy. He just leaves us girls to it.

"Come see dress," Astera says to me, standing up from the table and taking my hand. The other women follow us to Lady Eirs chambers, down the hallway. I had already figured out the four extra doors in the hall led to the private chambers of the four Asgardians.
Lady Eir has a small sitting room, a large bathroom and a beautiful bedroom with a four poster bed. The rooms are decorated in cream and burgundy and on the coffee table is a big flower arrangement with red roses. My bag is sitting on the couch, Heimdall must have put it there.
On a rack in the sitting room hang two dresses, one ruby, one green. Next to the rack is a stack of shoe boxes. I walk over to the green dress and carefully run my hand over it. It looks beautiful and I really want to try it on.

Brunnhyld takes out her pins, ready to make adjustments where needed. With a little help of Astera I put on the dress. It fits like a dream, except that it's a little long. The fabric feels really soft and light and it just hugs my body. It's a beautiful dress, but not too girly. The neckline with the little collar gives it a cool look.

"Now, if you pick some shoes, I can hem the dress on the right length," Brunnhyld says, pointing to the stack of shoe boxes.

"Oh, but I brought my own shoes," I tell the women and show them the shoes from my bag. They don't seem that enthusiastic about the shoes and I kinda agree, seeing them now with the dress.
Tova rummages through the boxes, coming up with a beautiful pair of heels. Gold, with an open toe and a small strap around the ankle.
"Oh, they're beautiful!" I tell Tova, taking the shoes from her. When I hold them in my hands I see how high they are. I'm not used to wearing stiletto heels, so this is going to be a challenge. But they're too pretty to pass up on.
I put the shoes on and walk a few steps, carefully lifting my dress. They are a good fit and actually rather comfortable, considering their height. I decide to go for it, I feel really pretty in this dress and these shoes.
Brunnhyld gets me to stand on a low stool so she can pin the hem. When she's done I take of the dress reluctantly, so she can sew it. I put on my own clothes again, my jeans and top suddenly feeling way to ordinary. I keep the heels on, to practice walking in them a little before I have to wear them in public.

"Now time for hair," Astera says to me and I follow her to the bathroom. Lady Eir is already there, getting her hair done by Tova. The bathroom has a huge mirror, above a double sink with gold faucets. Lady Eir and I both sith on a stool in front on the mirror. The sink is completely covered in hair utilities and make up.
Astera runs her fingers through my hair and looks at me in the mirror. "I have good idea. I try?" she asks me.

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