Chapter 11

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It's time for my break and I'm lounging on a chair I put out in the alley behind the coffee shop. My view isn't pretty, but I can just catch the rays of sun coming from between two tall buildings, so I'm perfectly content.
Emilia sticks her head around the door. "Ylva? Thor is here and he is asking for you."

"Really? Ah shoot, I was just enjoying the sun..." I'm actually a little bothered Thor showed up and I wonder why he's here. "You know what? Just let him come back here. I'm on my break, I'm sure he can come to me."

A few moments later, the God of Thunder steps through the backdoor into the alley. He looks around questioningly, but doesn't say anything.
"Hello Thor, I'd offer you a seat, but I'm afraid I don't have an extra chair back here," I say, feeling a little mischievous. My gut tells me this is not just a social call and I refuse to jump up and salute every time an Asgardian god calls for my attention. The things I've been through because of them have not all been very nice. Sure, it was all just minor grievances, but still.

Thor doesn't react to my tone and simply grabs a sturdy case we use to collect glass bottles in. Turning it on it's side, he carefully sits down. The plastic creaks a bit, but it can just hold the weight of the big man.
"I'm sorry I didn't come sooner, my lady, my sincerest apologies," the god starts.

"What would you come to me for?" I ask a bit surprised.

"To apologize for the way you got caught up in Loki's affairs with S.H.I.E.L.D.," Thor explains. "It only came to my attention you two were taken in after three days. And then I had to... make some arrangements first."

"You seem to do that a lot," I reply curtly.

Thor looks at me questioningly. "Pardon me, my lady?"

"Apologizing for your brothers behaviour, I mean. This is the second time I hear you do it, and I'm sure this is far from new to you."

"I see what you mean..." Thor shifts his seat on the crate, the plastic creaking alarmingly. He gets up and starts pacing in front of me.
"My brother... is a complicated man," Thor says slowly, looking at me. I just cock my eyebrow. "I guess you have seen some of that for yourself," the god admits.

I don't answer. Whatever Thor wants to tell me, he will have to cough it up by himself. I'm not pulling it out of him, as I'm not sure if I want to know. There is a familiar warm feeling in my spine, spreading slowly across my back.

"Loki has a troubled past. He never really felt accepted by father. I think he was just looking for his place in the universe, a place where he would be accepted, where people would look up to him. He always was mischievous, forever scheming and pulling tricks, mostly for his own benefit. My brother has taken things too far on more than one occasion."
Thor shakes his head, still pacing. I just let him talk, following him with my eyes.
"Losing our mother was very hard for both of us, but I think Loki took the biggest hit. I love him, he's my brother, but we are very different. It's hard to trust him, because he has betrayed my trust many, many times. But I do believe he has changed since father died, since Ragnarok. He chose the side of his people, of Asgard. That's why I believed I could take him with us to Earth again."

Despite my better judgment, I am curious. "Again? Loki has been here before? I thought only you had been to Earth before?"

Thor hesitates a little, before confirming Loki indeed has been to Earth before, some years ago.

"Why? What did he do back then? Is that why S.H.I.E.L.D. is keeping such a close eye on him?" I lean forward in my chair, involuntary digging my nails in my jeans. My spine tingles, a heat ripple going up and down.

The God of Thunder is silent for a minute, then speaks up. "I'm afraid it was my brother who led the Chitauri army to Earth. He was promised a kingdom and it drove him to.... make some very bad decisions."

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