chapter fourteen

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   Emiliana's POV
"Emiliana wait!" Daniel calls behind me and I turn around to see him fast walking towards me.  I feel bad that I haven't been speaking to him recently.

His suit was taken off and he is left in his white shirt which had it's hand rolled up to his elbow. His hair is ruffled but somehow,  it suits his sparkly eyes and full lips.

"hi" I greet as he reaches me and his lips stretches into a smile.

"are you going home " he asks instead putting both hands on his waist and looking concerned at me.

I nod at him and smile awkwardly.

"are you okay?" he asks pulling my head up with his thumb.

"I'm fine,  Mr Raphael just let me close early today" I lie hoping he didn't notice the tears in my eye.

"I can drop you off,  I'm free" he offers quickly but I smile and shake my head at him.

"if anything is wrong,  you know you can tell me right? " he asks nicely patting my hair like a little girl.

"thank you" I say before I bade him goodbye and stepped out.

But only one thing occupied my mind

Why is Piero here?

When he wasn't here,  I find it hard to think about him and now that he is here,  it's going to be even worse.

I find a taxi and ask him to take me to a nearest bar. The driver looks at me weirdly and stares at his watch.  4:30pm.

"are you sure ma'am" he asks me and I nod at him before he drives in the opposite direction. Shortly we arrive in a mini bar that looked quiet from the outside.  I pay the driver and walk inside the bar.

People are sitting on various tables sipping their drink.  I guess it is not yet time to party.  I slip on a high seat where the barman is juggling some bottles.

"a shot" I say leaning over and placing my purse on the table.

He places a small glass on the table and I grab it and gulp it's content. I bite hard on my lips as I feel the burning taste in my mouth and down to my stomach. 

A song comes bursting from my purse and I fiddle with it and pick my phone.  It's Daniel.

"yea" I answer.

"just checking if you were home already " he says

"mmm.  A few minutes ago.  I got home a few minutes ago" I lie again.  I didn't want him to worry.

"that's good,  see you tomorrow " he says before ending the call.

I order for more bottles of beer and keep on drinking trying to forget about Piero.  He's just bad news

My head starts spinning and lots of people ready for party starts trooping in.  Women in short skimpy dresses and awkward makeup start dancing seductively and the men join in.

I stare at four bottles of alcohol before me and shake my head.

Why did I even come here in the first place.  I feel stupid.  I shouldn't be like this because of Piero.  I should have just told Daniel the truth. Now here I am,  drunk without any one to help.

Nevertheless, I take a slug of the alcohol I'm holding.

"so now you drink" a familiar voice says beside me and I turn,  ignoring the headache that shoots through my head.

The devil himself


He won't just let me be.

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