chapter thirty seven

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Emiliana's POV
I flutter my eyes open and close them immediately because of the blinding light. Rubbing my fingers over my face, the thought of the intimate period between Raphael and I last night fills my head and i cant help but grin widely and rub my already red face. I turn around to see Raphael but he isn’t there.


I look around the room and examine the room, it hadn’t changed since the last time if was here. The paintings on the wall had changed and some furnitures had been changed.

My eyes land on the chair beside me, on it was a baggy T-shirt and a boxers.

I smile at it knowingly before I enter the bathroom to have a hot bath. After, I changed into the top that almost reached my knee so I didn’t have needs for the shorts again.

I get back into bed and call Cassidy. She sounds really excited
“He is so nice" she says emphasising each word and laughing excitedly. She tells me how they had had lots of drinks and danced and then got to his house. He had made her food to eat and then they chilled together.

“That’s so nice” I giggle excitedly and I tell her how Raphael and I had encountered each other and she couldn’t seem to believe it. She thought it was impossible but felt happy for me regardless. She tells me that she will have the driver leave my things but for now, she had to have more fun.

Just as I get off the phone with Cassidy, Raphael walks in shirtless, with joggers on and a tray in hand.

“Good morning, princess" he greets sitting beside me and patting my still wet hair
“I had forgotten how good of a cook you are" I smile looking at the tray of mouth-watering toast, scrambled eggs and sausages.

“ I’m only a good cook for you" he leans in and gives me a kiss before I start eating, while eating I feed some of it to Raphael.

“Why do you look better than me in my shirt “ he complains leaning back to have a better look at me.

I let out a laugh before I straddle him, hugging him tightly, feeling his bare chest hard against my body.

“You’re the best” i tell him and he laughs and nods his head.

“So, when do you plan on returning home" I ask and he hangs his head before looking at me.

“I don’t know, if guess when you’re  ready. I just don’t know how to face my mother after all she’s done" he seems to be sad as he talks and my heart breaks.

"what if you try explaining things to her. That we truly love each other and I’m not just with you for the wrong reasons. Maybe she’ll understand, she’s your mother after all. You cant keep hiding from everyone" he attempts to look away but I pull his head back so that we are looking at each other.

“I’m just really worried, what if you leave" his eyes become sad and guilt courses through me and my eyes tears sting my eyes. I realize that all the times, I have always hurt him. Always leaving him and let him find me. Breaking his heart every single time.

“Hey, I’m never leaving you, okay, there is nothing that is ever going to make me leave you. Not your mother or anyone else" I press my forehead against his and we stay in that position for a while before  I gently press my lips against him and I feel him relax in my arm.

“We can leave on Friday, together" he tells me, holding me tighter against him and I rest my head on his shoulder.

The afternoon passes in a blur. We had watched romantic comedies together and then slept off in each others arms. We were woken up by Federico who had received my box from Cassidy’s driver.

In the evening, we dressed in casual outfits and we walked to a diner to have hamburger and milkshake.

“I’m going to get so fat" I say between bites from my hamburger.

“You’ll be perfect anyhow you look" he says holding my hand from across the table. He examines my fingers before placing them on the table again.

“You have such beautiful hands” he tells me and my cheeks flush.

“you always find new ways to tease me”

Friday comes fast and Raphael and I bid goodbye to Federico who is sad that we were leaving again.

We get to the airport and soon, the private jet is ready for us. We didn’t do much in the flight back home. We mainly just chat, have wine and eat other exotic food that we were served.

“So now that you quit, what’s the next thing for you?” I ask him, I am laying on his chest, sipping my glass of wine. He has his head propped up by a pillow and his soft hand drawing circles on my bare laps.

“onto bigger things, before I quit, I had everything planned out in my head, so, you don’t have to worry about me" he turns his head and pecks me lightly on my forehead and I smile at him, admiring his courage and intelligence.

“That reminds me, my sister would love to meet you, she has been in between college and home and has never really gotten to meet you" Ralphael looks quickly at me and bites his lips, clearly nervous.

“What if she doesn’t like me? What if she thinks I’m stuck up" he says in a rush but if shush him with my finger.

“She will love you, she’s really free spirited and besides, who wouldn’t love you?” I assure him nuzzling his neck.

Finally, we arrive in New York and Raphael’s driver drops me at home and promises to come the next day to officially meet jasmine.

When I get home, jasmine isn’t home anyways so i relax and have a warm bath.
Later in the evening, jasmine returns and we hug each other squealing.

“Please tell me you have good news" she presses sitting beside me and taking her jacket off.

“First off, Cassidy was amazing, we are actually good friends..” I begin and then narrate how my journey had gone and she has her mouth ajar the whole entire time.

“You are living the dream” she praises and hugs me tightly.

“And we also" my face turns red but she tries to act dumb.

“We did IT" I repeat laying emphases on the it and she starts squealing and jumping around the room until I tell her it isn’t the first time and she jumps on me laughing and killing me with questions.

“When did you grow up so much? How was it? Was it good?” she rushes and I laugh and calm her down.

“It was beautiful” I cover my face with my palm. We chat some more and she tells me about school. I also tell her that Ralphael will be seeing her tomorrow and she was determined to welcome him well.

Raphael’s POV
I didn’t go home immediately,  I make a stop at the house, to see mother and father.

Mother is sitting down, her eyes shut. Her chair is tilted to the back and she seems to enjoy the job of the masseuse on her shoulder and the manicurist on her fingers.
When she opens her eye, she waves at them to leave and they scurry out of the room.

“You finally decide to come back home, did she make you?” mother asks, taking her sweet time to adjust her robe and stand in front of me, raising her head to look at me.

“Yes she did mother, and that’s because I love her, you cant keep intercepting my relationship with her" I raise my voice a little but she doesn’t seen to be startled.

“You are just delusional, if know girls like her, she wants nothing more than your money. When I offered her money, she took it with open hands. I’m just trying to help you" she shouts glaring at me.

“She is not like that, mother!. And I don’t need your help, I never will" I shout back and I see her eyes getting teary.

“You don’t even know her, you have never even given her a chance so how would you know the type of person she is” I press harder and her eyes becomes more teary. She turns her back to me.

“Just leave" she mutters and I leave.

I didn’t know what to wear. I stand with my hands akimbo looking at the clothes that I had picked out but none looked appealing.

I wanted to look presentable to jasmine, I want her to know that her sister had made the right choice. That I would take care of her, of both of them.

I finally settle with a black suit trouser and a white corporate shirt and rolled its sleeve. I like the way it looks, professional and still looking relaxed. I sleek my hair back and got ready to leave.

Before I get to Emiliana’s place, I pick up a bouquet of flowers and also a chic neckpiece for jasmine.

As I drive to the front of their house, Emiliana is standing outside wearing a short dress and inspecting a box. She looks up at me and waves me over with the biggest smile ever.

“What’s got you so excited?” I ask her and she smiles harder stretching the red box to me. I take it from her adjusting the bag containing what I bought for jasmine.
I read the little note on the side.

        “looking forward to having tea with you...Maria"

I grinned widely, mother wasn’t so hard after all, she just needed to hear the right words.
“Its your mother, can you believe it?” she asks throwing her hands around me before taking the box from me.

Her eyes find the bag I’m holding and she smiles rubbing her hand on my shoulder.

“Relax, I’m positive she would like you" she assures again and I relax a little bit.

“Come inside, the food is ready" she invites me inside and then we both walk inside. She ushers me a sit before she disappears into the kitchen.

I hear voices inside and then I hear a cheerful voice behind me. I turn around and meet sparking eyes and curly hair, she is a bit more tanned but you could see the resemblance. She smiles brightly at me.

“Hi, nice to meet you" she greets happily outstretching her hand and I take it feeling glad that we had a good first impression with each other.

I hand her the bag and she takes a peek and turns to smile at me.

“Thank you, this is very thoughtful” she comments and leads me to the dinning area. The food is served already in beautiful dishes and there is a big roast chicken in the middle.

“My sister tells me that you are a very good cook, how did you learn" jasmine asks as she takes a sit across from Emiliana while I am at the head table.

“I have always loved cooking shows and I used to be in the kitchen a lot with my nanny" I answer and see Emiliana smile from the corner of my eye. She reaches out and holds my hand.

The lunch is fantastic. Jasmine and I talked like we had been friends for years. And in a long while, I know what its like to eat with family and not alone in my home. The cosy environment made it a hundred time better. I look at Emiliana and jasmine as they chatter happily and I feel complete.

When we finished eating, I help them clear the dishes even though they insisted that they were okay. Emiliana and I would sneak kisses at each other while jasmine would wrinkle her face.

When we were done, I got ready to leave. Jasmine had given me her number and she told me how grateful she was for the gift and the time we spent together.

“Bye, I love you" Emiliana waves as I leave.

Throughout the week. I couldn’t help but be happy. Emiliana and I met twice in a five star restaurant and we chatted and had wine.

When I looked at her, I knew that I was ready. I knew that I wanted to be beside her, at all times. I knew that I wanted her to be my wife.

I stopped at her jewel shop, my heart beating fast. I couldn’t help but wonder if it was too soon or too fast. I was sure of my feelings and i knew she felt the same way so why wait.

The woman selling is kind and displayed different kinds of rings after I tell her Emiliana’s size, which is a size six.

I settle with the most beautiful one, a big diamond resting on it. The lady tells me that its the same one that a famous person, grace Kelly has.

After I’m done, I phone jasmine and tell her that i need her help and she is excited to do so.

I know I am ready for this.

I’m really happy for this long chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, don’t forget to vote, comment and share. Love you.😘😘

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