chapter thirty-eight: the end

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Emiliana's POV
I adjust my red and white dress awkwardly as I watch Maria, Raphael's mother take a bite of cake and sips her coffee. She looks over at me and smiles genuinely.

“The dress looks really lovely, it suits you well” she smiles again before sipping her coffee again. I smile back at her, I was surprised at the way that she was acting. She is not dressed in her extravagant clothes, instead, she is wearing a black pant trouser and a silk corporate shirt. She radiates beauty and even looks younger.

“Thank you, I say shyly” sipping my Americano, I continued. “Thanks for inviting me here today”.

She pushes her short hair away from her face and laughs.

“you don’t need to thank me. I’m supposed to be glad that you agreed to come, I know that I haven’t been the best person and an apology is not going to cut it but I wanted to try anyways. If not for my son, I would never have believed that your feelings were true. I thought I was trying to protect him,  to make him happy, I failed to realize that his happiness lies with you. I promise I’m changed. It may take a while to fully see it but I now fully support your relationship with my son" her eyes water at the end of her statement and she dabs at her eyes.

I pull her hands and interlocked them with mine. Her hands are soft.

I understand, at first it was hard to understand why you were doing such, I was hurt several times and Raphael’s and I relationship almost ended many times but I’m willing to let go of the past. I am willing to forgive you" she smiles apappreciatingly at me.

We talk some more and finished our cake and drink. Maria leaves by 11:30  because she had an appointment at the beauty salon by 12.

I am about to leave too before Raphael's call comes in.

“how is the most beautiful girl in the world doing?” he asks excitement in his voice.

“Amazing,  I just had tea with your mother, you wont believe we actually talked and had cake" I still couldn’t believe it, that she actually talked to me kindly.
“Wow, I’m glad that went well" he says and I can hear the grin in his voice.

“What about you? What are you doing?” I ask closing the door of the cafe, the wind blowing my face.

“about to invite you for lunch"

“Lunch, but I just had breakfast” I groan

“I think I just an excuse to see you" he snickers and I laugh

“Where are you? I’ll come to you" I ask him and he makes a sound of victory.

“The Michelin restaurant at palace view hotel" he tells me and I hail a taxi that was coming right at me.

“you’re lucky I’m wearing a red dress and heels" I tease and bade him goodbye and enter the taxi.

I greet the middle aged man and tell him my location, he nods his head and then drives off. Ten minutes into the ride, I hear the driver mumbling under his breathe.

“sir, is  anything the problem?” I ask but he ignores me and keeps mumbling and fumbling with the steering wheel.

“don’t worry, the car is fine, the brakes just keeps misbehaving “ he mutters

“Sir, please just stop at the nearest car repair shop" I suggest but he ignores looking down at where the brake is and didn’t see the car coming straight at us. When I scream and he looks up, it is already too late. He swerves to the right side of the road and BAM!

The last thing I remember is hitting my head again the window and my eyes shutting.

Raphael’s POV

I pace up and down the hall of the hotel. I had rented the restaurant and the penthouse. I had employed a decorative agency and they had designed it just the way that I had hoped. The balcony had a parachute that would lunge up in the air before the proposal would finally happen. My heart couldn’t stop beating. I paced around wiping the sweat from my temple. I smoothened my hair again and breathed to stable my breathing.

My phone rings and I’m glad to see its jasmine. She has been helpful throughout the whole process and has been wonderful keeping it a secret from Emiliana.

“Hello, are you here?" I ask her but she sniffles and I suddenly get worried.

“I haven’t left school yet, I just got a call from bay view hospital" she stops again as her voice cracks. I stay put not even able to say anything.

“Emiliana got into an accident... I don’t know how serious it is but I’m on my way there, but you will get to her faster" she talks in a rush and I feel like my chest has exploded.

“Please hurry" she begs before I press the end call button and rush to my car parked outside.

I couldn’t think Straight while I was driving. I couldn’t help thinking that she was badly hurt. I clasped my hand on the steering wheel till my knuckles turned out.

In about 20 minutes, I arrive at bay view hospital. I run inside looking around frantically. I arrive at the front desk. A lady with a scowl on her face looks up at me.

“hi, I’m looking for Emiliana Valdez’s room" my voice is coarse and angry but the woman just looks at me and sighs.
“What time was she brought in?” she asks uninterested

“Around this afternoon” I tell her. She sighs again and moves reluctantly to her computer and starts making a few taps. I look at her uneasily but she ignores me.

I curse under my breath walking away from her. She doesn’t make an effort to  call me back. I jog around and knock on some doors while checking the name of others.

I stand in the hallway feeling tired and frustrated thinking of going back to the rude lady at the front desk. I take a full fist of my hair and let out an angry growl.

“Raphael?” a small voice calls away from me.

I turn around so fast that I think I cracked my neck.

And there she was.


In her red dress. Her left hand is covered with bandage and her forehead is also covered with a plaster.

I let out a sigh and make my way towards her and hug her tightly nuzzling her neck. She smells of the hospital and it somehow comforts me.

“I found you this time" she pulls away from me and smiles but I pull her into a hug again.

“I was so worried about you" I hug her tightly again until she groans.

I let her go immediately worried that I had hurt her but she smiles at me assuring me that she was fine.

“I couldn’t even think, I kept thinking you were in really bad shape" I say pressing a kiss against her forehead.

She makes me sit on the chair beside the hospital room before she speaks.

I was really scared. I thought I was going to die. I was scared that I didn’t get to do all that I wanted  I thought about you, jasmine, Daniel. If I had died then I wouldn’t see any of you again" she adjusts her hand and I grab her other free hand.

“but luckily for me, I got away with an injured hand and I had my forehead stitched “ she laughs and I join her.

“what about the driver?” I ask and her face falls.

“I’m not sure, but I think his head injury is really serious and he's  getting surgery" she sighs.

“sister!!!” jasmine cries running towards us in full speed with tears in her eyes.

She grasps Emiliana and wouldn’t let her go and starts crying.

“I was so worried" she cries again pulling me closer and hugging the two of us at once.

“I’m fine" Emiliana laughs flexing her hand.

“just really hungry, I hear their yoghurt is extremely delicious" Emiliana adds and we all laugh.

Soon, we were at the cafeteria talking and laughing and I felt at ease again looking at the two women that has somehow become some of the most important people in my life.

I wrap my hands around Emiliana’s waist and press a kiss against her cheeks. Jasmine coos and whines about how she wanted someone to love her.

“Aren’t you the cutest" Emiliana smiles and gives me a short, sweet kiss.

     A month later
Emiliana’s POV
“it doesn’t hurt anymore I promise" I say flexing my hands in front of Raphael’s face but he shakes his head and laughs..

“either ways, I am not going to let you stress yourself not just your hand" he smirks setting the pot from the fire. Raphael has been coming over for the past three weeks to make breakfast. Then he would stay and watch movies with me till evening. Sometimes he would even spend the night if jasmine was staying over in college, preparing for her graduation coming up soon.

“I don’t want you stressing yourself either" I whine wrapping my hands round his back. He laughs before turning to face me.

“then how about we go for dinner, in somewhere special" he asks and I squeal.

“I would love that” I tell him and he turns back to dish the egg fried rice and keeping jasmine’s food in a cooler. I smiled at how fast they had become very good friends. Since jasmine has been preparing for graduation and meeting editors for her book, she hadn’t  been around very often.

After we were done eating, we lounged around the house before Raphael leaves to get ready and promises to come back to pick me because he wanted to be able to watch over me.

I get ready and curl my hair and wear a purple dress that is flay around my knee area and I looked at my self and knew I looked okay , I waited for Raphael to come and after waiting for another 40 minutes, Raphael drives to the front of the house.

“You look stunning" he takes my hand and opens the for me.

After driving for a while, we arrive at the hotel that Raphael had told me about last month.

I forgot we never had our lunch" he opens the door for me but the restaurant just right in front of the main hotel had all its light off.

“Are you sure they open today?” I question looking over but not still seeing anyone.
“come one" he leads me in through the ajar door and as soon as I step in, all the lights come on. The vast dinning is designed with different flowers and a slow song plays in the background. Feets away from me, there is a huge canvas with a beautiful painting of a rose flower and a huge text that said “keep coming"

“What is this?" I ask Raphael who is standing in the corner fidgeting.

“Just do what the painting says" he smiles and I look ahead at the dark hallway that leads to the main hotel. As I take each step the hallway lights up. I could not believe my eyes, I could not wrap my head around all that was happening.
I turn to look at Raphael and he wipes his sweaty palm on his trouser. He smiles and tells me to keep going.

As I reach the end of the hall, I see the reception area, the floor is covered in roses with different cards that said “open me". I open one and it reads
         “Emiliana, I love the way you make me feel, I feel lost without you"
Another one:
       “Emiliana, you are beautiful"

Tears filled my eyes reading all the cards telling me the things they love about me. I look over at Raphael and he smiles at me.

I love you, Raphael “ I mouth looking over at the cards again. They were about 30 in total. I look over to the side and there is an arrow pointing upwards.

“Are we supposed to go up?” I ask amidst giggles

“Yes” he takes my hand and walks me to the elevator.

“I don’t know what’s happening but I am so excited” I laugh like a little child but Raphael still looks nervous.
Shortly, we reached the penthouse and my jaw drops.
It is easily the most beautiful thing that I have seen. The lights illuminating the room makes it look like a dream. The roses on the floor feels soft against my skin and I couldn’t help but look around the room and following the trail of roses that leads to the balcony where there is a parachute with a basket.
“Oh my, Raphael, can you tell me already, I am in so much suspense” I giggle but Raphael only gives me his best smile and enters the basket and stretches his hand to me.

“we just have to see” he tells me as I enter the basket and it lifts us high in the air. I ooh and ahh at the beautiful sky and when I turn to look at Raphael, he is down on one knee.

My heart skipped.

He fumbles his pocket and then brings out the most beautiful and expensive looking ring that i have ever seen. My hands fly to my mouth and my eyes water. I didn’t expect this at all.

“um..Emiliana, I don’t really know where to begin so I’ll begin from the very beginning “ he gulps and then continues. “you were beautiful and everything I ever wanted. I realized fast that you were who i needed. Without you I couldn’t function well" he laughs and smacks his lip.
“I love you, Emiliana. I always have and I don’t know what j would do without you. I like the way you watch over me. How beautiful you are, inside and outside, I like how you try to make everything right and I love how you love me" he smiles and just then, fireworks explode in the sky with bold letters “ MARRY ME, EMILIANA “

I gasp, tears running down my cheek. I look at Raphael again.

“Marry me, Emiliana” he smiles

“yes, Raphael,   yes!” my voice comes out shrill and I outstretch my hand and he slides the big ring through my finger.
He stands up and I pull him into a tight hug. I nuzzle my face in his chest, hearing his heart beat so fast made me laugh.

I love you, Raphael “ I tell him and he brushes my hair away from my face

“I love you too, Emiliana" he gives me a long kiss and I wrap my hands round his waist. The parachute declines and I hear clapping. I pull away frim his kiss and I am surprised at what I see.

Jasmine, Daniel, Amanda are all clapping, excitement written all over their faces. Daniel kisses Amanda excitedly and she kisses him back.
“This wouldn’t have been possible without these guys" Raphael pulls me against his body and i brandish my ring before the girls and they squeal.

“jasmine practically organized with me, Amanda took care of painting and Daniel was there as motivation" everyone laughs and we pop the champagne and have one glass each.

Shortly, Amanda and Daniel were giddy and all over each other and had to leave and jasmine goes with them so they can drop her off.

“Its just us now" I tell Raphael flailing my hands around him and showing him the ring like he didn’t give it to me.

“I’m glad you like everything “ he leans against the rails and positions me in between his legs.

“I don’t know how you all managed it and didn’t spill" I place my hands around his neck and tease him by rubbing my nose against his.

He sighs and then pulls me closer to him and kisses me. I kiss him back and he carries me and I  wrap my legs round his waist as he carries me and places me carefully on the rose covered bed.

“Did you plan this too?” I laugh gesturing at the bed.

“Lets say that just happened" he smiles brushing his hair away from his face. I pull him closer to my body, feeling the heat of his body. Being in his arms made me feel safe and happy.

“I feel so lucky to have you" I tell him tucking his hair away. He leans in and kisses me again and I couldn’t want anything more than what we had. I didn’t want to be with any other person or any other place.

“my God! I love you” I moan against his lips and his hot breathe fans my face. He leans away from me, examining my face, his eyes heavily lidded with passion.

“you have no idea how much I love you" he breathes, his voice husky, he smiles and props me up.

And with that, our lips re-joined.


I had so many emotions while writing this book and so many things have happened in the course of writing this book.

I cannot thank all of you enough for sticking with me and reading my book even with the inconsistent uploads. Without you, this book would not have gotten to where it is now and I have you all to thank for it. I wish i could see and hug you all.

Please send a message if you want to have a conversation 😅❤


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