chapter thirty

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Emiliana's POV
I bolted up from my bed and quickly picked up my phone, it was just 8:30 am and I was unnecessarily worried thinking I had overslept after hitting the snooze button.  I stand up from the bed and stretch my body while groaning lightly. finding my way to the toilet, I brush my teeth and wash my face and then quickly tucked my toothbrush into my box which I had already packed.

jumping into the shower, I had a long, nice bath feeling confident in my skin. yesterday which was a free day for me, I went to a spa and had my body taken care of. I felt scared because I might stay in the same room as Raphael and I wanted to look my best. I had my hair cut and my body waxed. the nice lady that attended to me was very nice and as a bonus, she tweezed my eyebrows and cleaned my face.

after washing my body, I clean my body blow dry my hair, I had it cut to just my neck, I then moisturize my skin and then wear my clothes. I put my matching floral outfit on. a floral top that rested just above my belly button and a matching flare skirt that reached mid thigh. I slipped my nude coloured slippers on and applied minimal makeup on.

after eating my eggs and sausage, i turn all necessary things off and pull my luggage out and lock the front door. I then take a taxi to Raphaels house for our flight by 2. I check my wristwatch and it is already past eleven

Mrs Jones opens the door for me and welcomes me happily.

"oh dear, you look beautiful" Mrs Jones laughs tucking my hair behind my ear.

"thank you" I giggle excitedly and she takes my box from me.

"Raphael never takes this long to get ready, I've been hearing him talk to himself, well, go on ahead, I'll keep your luggage outside" she says before walking outside the door.

I walk upstairs and stop in front of raphael's room. I hear his low mumbles and knock lightly.

"come in" I hear his loud voice.

I walk in and he has his back towards me.

"I can't decide if she will prefer a green or grey sweater" he says childishly and I giggle.

"you look good in anything you wear" I finally say and he turns and stares at me wide eyed.

"emiliana!" he calls throwing on his grey sweater on his off coloured pants he was wearing and walks quickly towards me.

"why didn't you say anything? how long have you been standing there? I feel like I'm going to die of embarrassment" he mumbles all in one breath

"just a while ago, you don't need to be embarrassed, you're cute" I pull his cheek and smile brightly at him.

"I missed you, I didn't see you the whole of yesterday" he pouts pulling me close and hugging me tightly.

he smells amazing, his strong manly scent wafts into my nostrils and I wonder he manages to look amazing no matter the distress he is facing.

"we have to get going" I finally summon the courage to pull away from him.

"don't worry about getting late" he says still trying to snuggle me close but pauses midway.

"wait, did you cut you hair, oh, you straightened it too" he says taking a closer look and takes the soft hair in his hand.

"what, does it look bad?" I question him a look of horror on my face.

"no, it looks amazing, you look so beautiful" he smiles shooting his hand in a thumbs up and leaving a light peck on my cheek.

he quickly picks his box and holds my hand and leads me outside until we reach his car. his driver then drives us to the airport.

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