Natural flirt

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I stepped out the shower with a towel wrapped around my waist and headed to my room to find something to wear. I got ready quickly, needing to head downstairs already. I spritzed myself with cologne and then turned to look at myself in the mirror. Whenever we went to these dinners, Jeremiah would always invite me up to his room to play video games when the adults started to get boring.

"Dean, are you ready?" I heard my dad call up the stairs and I snapped myself out of it, following the sound of his voice and heading downstairs and following them out of the door and across the lawn where we were greeted by our neighbours.

"Dean! You get more handsome every time I see you!" Jeremiah's mother cooed, wrapping me in a hug.

"So is Jeremiah! Look at him, he must get all the girls." My dad chuckled but my mum hit his waist and gave him a pointed look.

"It's fine. No harm done." Jeremiah smiled and I was deeply confused. 

What was going on? Did he have a bad relationship or something?

Everyone shuffled through the house and into the garden. Jeremiah's dad waved at us from where he stood at the barbecue, turning some sausages. We all sat down at the outside table and immediately the questions started; Jeremiah and I got grilled like this every time.

"So, Jeremiah, how's university life treating you? Second year, now? I still can't believe you're twenty and Dean's eighteen." My Mum sighed, "It makes me feel old."

"You don't look a day over twenty, yourself." Jeremiah flashed a grin.

His charm was always impeccable. He was one of those guys that just naturally had a flirty personality and it killed you every time they spoke to you because you know they don't like you, they're just flirty towards everyone.

"University is good. A lot of hard work, but it's fun."

"Dean, have you got a girlfriend yet? How's football, you play striker, right?" Jeremiah's Mum asked.

"I did have a girlfriend but we broke up last week. Football's good; we just had a fair to raise some money." I smiled at her.

I sighed in relief as our dads brought the food over. I grinned and bit into a burger, almost letting out a moan it was so good. I figured it wasn't appropriate at dinner with my family and my neighbours. Plus, the guy who awoke my sexuality was sat across from me in all of his charming glory. 

The way the sun hit his face while he smiled and spoke, nibbling on a hot dog, made me pout. This guy was unfairly attractive. Not as attractive as Axel was, but I had gotten hot and heavy with Axel, so I might be a tad bias. I bit down on my lip as he flicked his eyes up to mine, the hazelnut colour shining in the sun. The adults were packing up the dirty plates.

"Want to go to my room for a while?" Jeremiah's grin was dazzling, "I've got that new video game based off of one of Alex Hill's horror movies."

I ducked my head and we both stood up, heading through the house and upstairs. His room was the same as it had been for the last few years with barely anything in here. He had said once that he didn't like clutter and it showed because, other than a desk, wardrobe and bed, he had nothing in here. He also had his television with his games console set up on his desk and he gestured for me to sit in the bed as he turned it on. 

I gingerly sat on the edge and he put in a game, handing me a remote. This reminded me of when we used to play video games together when I was fourteen, for hours on end all of the time. We used to spend so much time together but time went on and I guess we grew apart. He jumped down on the bed next to me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

We played for a few hours before my mum yelled up the stairs that she was leaving. I sulked because I had enjoyed just sitting on his bed, our thighs touching as we both sat cross legged, concentrating on the video game. He would laugh and occasionally push me playfully and at one point he even tried to tickle me, his long fingers attacking my sides and waist while I attempted to squirm away.

"We have to do this more often." Jeremiah  wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we walked downstairs, "I've missed you, kid."

My heart fluttered and I tried to ignore it, crouching down to put on my shoes before saying goodbye. He ruffled my hair and then I hugged his parents goodbye before wandering to my own house. 

I ran straight up to my room and collapsed on the bed dramatically. The boy didn't realise the kind of effect he had on people when he acted that way. I quickly changed into some pyjama pants before heading downstairs for a glass of water.

"Honey, I can't believe you said that to him!" My Mum groaned at my dad as I walked into the kitchen.

"Sorry! I forgot that he was gay!" My dad shrugged.

"Jeremiah's gay?" I asked, in shock.

"Honey, surely he would have mentioned it? I presumed you knew since you hung out all of the time." My Mum rolled her eyes.

I definitely didn't know.

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