Kiss me under the bleachers

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The weather outside was glorious as we walked across the muddy football pitch, taking the long way round to the bleachers so that we weren't spotted by any teachers. I was definitely glad that I'd chosen to hang out in the sun rather than suffocating in a maths class. Axel's friends were all talking amongst themselves while Adam and I hung back, walking just behind them.

I had tried to join in once or twice, but was vaguely ignored by the others. Axel didn't notice the whole interaction, since he was discussing some new album with Bones, but I wished he was paying more attention to everyone else he was with.

"Is it too late to go to maths? I didn't come here to watch you be glared into silence." Adam huffed, checking his watch.

I bit my lip, considering it. Axel looked pretty busy, anyway, and his friends definitely didn't seem to appreciate our presence. I had wanted to make an effort to get to know his friends but that didn't seem very likely to happen anymore. I sighed, scanning Axel's face to see he was cracking up at something Bones said. I had never seen him smile that wide and that annoying pang of jealousy made itself known in my chest.

"We'll be a little late but, sure, let's go." I sighed, defeated and turning around with Adam to head back the other way towards school.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Axel's voice yelled as he jogged over to stand in front of me, "I thought you were hanging with us?"

I bit my lip and didn't say anything to him. I didn't know how to tell him that I wanted to hang with him but his friends seemed to hate me and I was getting uncomfortable. I didn't want to tell him that in case he got mad at his friends, or even got mad at me for talking about his friends like that, or something. I didn't want anyone to argue, so it was just better if we leave.

"We're going to maths; your friends keep glaring." Adam shrugged simply, elbowing past Axel and dragging me with him across the field. 

Adam was really a straight-up truth kind of guy. Sometimes I appreciated that, but right now I elbowed him in warning. Axel came jogging after us, taking hold of my hand with a pleading look. It made butterflies erupt in my stomach.

 "Please stay? I want to spend time with you. I'll keep an eye on the others, I'm sorry."

"Okay." I nodded.

His expression was enough to convince me any day to do anything.

He gave me a soft smile, pulling me by my head over to the green grass in the shade underneath the bleachers, where the rest of his friends had made themselves comfortable. Adam looked less than impressed with the situation. He dropped down onto the grass in the awkwardly shaped circle they'd formed and pulled me down into his lap, making me squeak.

He grinned and kissed my cheek, making me blush. I self consciously tried to move away but Axel held on tighter, refusing to let me go. I rolled my eyes and watched Adam set himself down next to Bones, who immediately started asking him a million questions, which made Adam groan and dramatically lie back to ignore him.

"Bones, play 'The Metal Youth Club's' latest album?" A girl asked, scooting closer to Bones and tapping him to get his attention.

"You do it, I'm busy here." Bones shrugged her off, laying back against the grass next to Adam to annoy him some more.

The girl pulled out her own phone, clicking play on some heavy rock metal as they all dove into chatter about how great it was. I tried to keep up but they kept talking about some guys named 'Zeke' and 'Dave' and I had no clue who they were and got rather lost, so I zoned out and just stared up at Axel as he spoke to them.

He looked really chilled out as he spoke to his friends, occasionally running his free hand through his hair. The other one was lazily wrapped around my waist. The sun was peaking through the bleachers, making his eyes shine. He shrugged his jacket off and I let my eyes travel along the tattoos gracing his strong arms. It wasn't long until my thoughts were consumed with wonder of where the missing two tattoos were located.

"Why are you so lost in thought?" Axel whispered into my ear, his deep voice startling me suddenly.

"I was just admiring your tattoos." I shrugged, "The other two aren't... Down there, are they?"

"You mean on my dick?" He burst out laughing, "No, they're not."

"Right." I nodded, a blush dusting my cheeks for even thinking that.

"I could always get one down there, though, if that's what you're into?" He teased, pulling me closer as he hugged my waist while I practically straddled him, facing him as he spoke to me.

"What? No!" I gasped and hit his arm lightly while blushing deep red now, "I am not into that."

"Shame." He chuckled, nipping at my neck playfully.

I sighed contentedly; it was sweet when he got like this. When he was playful and cuddling me, it made me feel ridiculously happy. I could hardly believe he was mine. I stilled at that thought, Axel shooting me a look of concern. Except, he wasn't mine. It was fine, because I was sure that he'd ask me on our date tomorrow. It was kind of strange acting so coupley when we weren't a couple, though.

"Dean? You okay?" Axel asked, furrowing his eyebrows in concern as the smile dropped off my face for a second. 

I shook the thoughts away and plastered another smile on my face, shrugging it off.

"Yeah, fine." I beamed at him, making him nod as he pulled out a cigarette.

"Right, I'll be back in a second." Axel informed me, scooting me off his lap and pecking my lips before going off with Bones as they spoke in whispered voices.

Everyone under the bleachers stilled and Adam scooted over to me. The group fell into silence and they all eyed us, warily. They weren't exactly being subtle about their distaste for us and it was making me feel like utter crap.

"Axel doesn't do relationships. Not proper ones, anyway." One of them said, before they all got up and left.

I was left with Adam, stunned into silence.

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