Is that a yes?

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I looked in the mirror and sighed. Jeremiah had just asked me on a date. I hadn't really expected it; I thought he was just being friendly by inviting me along to a party. He was pretty drunk so after I gently said no, I dipped to the bathroom to hide for a bit. 

I splashed some water on my face and sighed once again. The bathroom smelt like vomit and it was making my nose hairs burn. I suddenly didn't feel like being here anymore. The guy I was in love with with his stupid face was here and I'd just been asked out by a drunk guy who I'd been crushing on since forever. 

Except, I definitely didn't like him like that  anymore. Whether it's because I'm still in love with Axel or not, I don't know, but Jeremiah just doesn't seem like my type anymore. 

I left the bathroom and walked carefully down the stairs, stepping over drunken couples and passed out university students. Chaos. I could see Jeremiah in the kitchen, dabbing at his shirt with a dishtowel, but I decided not to join him. Instead, I made my way over to Adam and Bones. I sighed as I notice they'd been joined by Axel.

"You're in my seat." I muttered, watching Axel's face light up at my voice. 

I furrowed my eyebrows, confused by his reaction, but didn't have time to react as he pulled me into his lap and kissed me. I felt my whole body relax as I breathed in that familiar scent of cigarettes, which I knew was fresh. He'd just had one. My hand tangled in his hair and I returned the kiss, enjoying his familiar taste. 

He'd definitely just been for a smoke. 

I tried to pull away but he held onto my waist, holding me tight. I'd missed this. 

"What was that?" I asked, our faces so close that I could feel his breath on my lips as he panted.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" He asked. 

A flurry of emotions ran through me as I heard the words I'd been dying to hear for so, so long. Excitement, confusion, happiness, sadness. I had no clue what to think or say. I was utterly speechless, gaping at this mysterious boy in front of me. What the fuck?

"Seeing you with Jeremiah, I hate it. I hate him. He makes my blood boil. I can't stand it because I love you. I've been going crazy the last few weeks wondering why the fuck we stopped talking. I thought you got bored of me, regretted coming out. I tried to speak to you but you ignored my phone calls and texts. It was only when Adam opened his big mouth that I realised what was wrong. I presumed we were dating already and that is the only reason I didn't ask. I promise. Ask Bones, I've been going insane. I missed you." 

Hearing that took such a weight off of my chest. 

I still couldn't speak. I just leaned in and kissed him again, savouring the feeling of his lips on mine. I'd been missing it, craving it. I'd become addicted to his kisses and felt on edge while we were separated. 

"Is that a yes?" Axel asked, pulling away from our kiss with playful smile.

"Of course it is." I mumbled back, running a hand over his cheek. 

"Thank god." He grinned, leaning into a kiss again. 

Bones cheered and Adam groaned, complaining that he had to put up with my incessant gushing about Axel once again. I could tell he was joking by the smile on his lips, however.

I felt so overwhelmed and I think Axel could tell. He asked if Adam was fine getting home before leading me out of the party, swinging our hands together. The air was cold now as it had stopped raining. Axel wrapped his jacket around me, walking in the direction of his place.

"Heading to yours? That's a bit presumptuous of you, Axel. I'm not an easy lay." I said playfully, stealing a kiss.

"All I had in mind was cuddling. How dare you suggest otherwise." Axel teased right back, kissing my jaw. 

Silence settled over us as we walked, but I still felt a pressure hanging over us.

"Axel, part of the reason I got so upset was because your friends told me that you weren't the type to date." I finally found the courage to tell him, "They made Adam and I really unwelcome. Except Bones, of course."

Axel's expression was one of hurt and he stopped walking, turning to look at me with a sorry expression.

"Dean, I'm really sorry they made you feel that way." He brought me into a hug, "What dicks. I'm really fucking sorry. I honestly just thought we were already dating. I've never done this before, so the formality of it didn't occur to me. I'm an idiot."

I revelled in his hug for a second, feeling good that we had worked through this mishap. I felt a lot better in general.

Once at his, we climbed right into bed and cuddled. In his arms, I let all of the tensions of the last few weeks dissolve. I had missed him terribly. My feelings were so strong for him already that I could only imagine them growing stronger. 

"Did you say you loved me earlier?" I teased him, curling into his side.

"I mean. Uh, I know it's early days but I really do feel that way about you. Being apart from you made me realise that. I don't want to lose you ever again." Axel admitted, kissing my forehead.

"I love you too, Axel." 

His face lit up and he jumped on me, showering my cheeks in kisses as I laughed. At that moment, I was so happy. I knew we'd stay together. 

"The mystery tattoos are on my ass." Axel said out of nowhere, making me explode in laughter. 

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