Come here you idiot

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I looked across at Bones and noticed he was looking at something pretty intensely across the road. I shuffled closer, trying to see what he was looking at. I couldn't see much through the thick rain outside but Bones looked perplexed by whatever it is. 

"Isn't that your lover boy?" Bones frowned, pointing to a blurry blob crossing the road with two other blobs.

I slid out of our booth in the fast food restaurant and stepped outside into the rain, seeing a lot more clearly a damp Dean bounding down the street with that idiot Adam and some other guy. His dirty blonde hair looked almost brown with the rain and his white top had gone see-through. 

We hadn't spoken much at all the last few weeks and not at all since I had realised he was ghosting me intentionally. It was odd because I wasn't really sure how it had happened. We'd gone on dates and continued to talk normally but then he just started pulling away. We'd gone from a great couple to, I guess, not one at all. He certainly hadn't mentioned going anywhere tonight. 

"Dean!" Bones yelled across the street, appearing beside me.

Before I could stop him, he was rushing through the rain over to Dean and his friends. Dean glanced over at me warily and waved, meekly. I really had no clue what had happened between us. I missed him. It hurt a lot when I realise he'd been ignoring my texts while with Adam, apparently gossiping about how clingy I was.

"Come back inside, you'll catch your death out here." A tug on my arm for me to come back brought me out of my own thoughts.

Bones was flailing his arms round manically as he was talking to Dean and his friends, clearly not reading the situation very well. He suddenly spun around and waved me over enthusiastically, ignoring Rose who clearly wanted to go back inside. I sighed and stepped into the rain, ambling over to where they were nervously. 

"We're going to a Uni party with Adam, Dean and Jeremiah." Bones grinned.

"Nice to meet you." The guy, who I presumed to be Jeremiah, smiled. 

Something didn't settle right inside me at that smile. It was dashing. A 'steal your man' kind of smile. Every individual braincell was telling me to not go, to turn around and go sulk to Rose about how difficult this situation is. That smile. I had to go. No way was this plain Jane basic bitch taking my boyfriend. 

"Off we go then." I shrugged, ignoring Jeremiah's stupid outreached hand. 

Who the fuck shook hands? Are we seventy years of age?

Bones whooped and tried to grab Adam's hand, swinging it as they walked down the pavement. Adam snatched it back, obviously, while Bones pouted. Rose realised we were leaving and stumbled across the wet road in her heels, trying to catch up. I hung back and waited for her, Dean sticking close to Jeremiah. 

"Where are we going?" Rose frowned, holding onto my arm for stability.

"Some stupid party, Bones wants to go. I think he's crushing on Adam." 

"I thought he hated beef-heads?" Rose scrunched up her nose, "What's with everyone falling for football players?" 

I wasn't really listening to her, noticing how with every step Jeremiah's hand brushed Deans. This was an uncomfortable situation. 

We finally arrived at the party and I rolled my eyes. Typical. I wasn't really big on drinking. It usually has bad outcomes and puts you in compromising situations. Everybody here was off their face, staggering around to generic pop music. People were giggling and leading each other up stairs, making out against every flat surface and practically conceiving children in a public forum. I knew I wasn't one to talk about PDA, but at least there was no risk of pregnancy when I did it.

Immediately, I lost everyone. They all disappeared and I was left alone. Almost instantly, a migraine appeared and I ducked outside to get a moment of peace for a second. 

In the garden, everything was peaceful. I sat down on a porch swing and ignored the pounding music shaking the house walls. The rain had cleared up a bit, only spitting now as I lit my cigarette. The feeling I got when I put the stick to my mouth was bliss. Almost as good as a kiss form Dean. No wonder I had been smoking more recently. 

I casually inhaled and exhaled, taking my time. I miss the way Dean stares at me when I smoke. Like a tiger stalking its prey. It makes me grin, especially when he says he can taste it on my lips. I slump a bit in my seat, running my hand through my hair. I miss him a lot. I don't know what had happened, but I was determined to find out. 

Plus, I'm sick of watching another guy flirt with him. 

I stubbed out my cigarette and jumped to my feet, stepping back inside the party. We're sorting this out here and now. 

In the kitchen, I find Jeremiah holding two drinks. He's stumbling around a little and I roll my eyes at the drink marks on his shirt. Sloppy. His face twists into a frown when he sees me. That makes me proud, a little. At least he knows he has competition. 

"Where's Dean?" I yell above the music, my eyes scanning the people for him. 

"Why do you care?" Jeremiah spits drunkenly, "I'm not telling you." 

"Stop being childish, I need to talk to him." I glared right back at him, challenging him to be a dick to me again. 

"Well, he doesn't want to talk to you. Just leave, nobody wants you or your idiot friend here." 

I shoved past him, making sure his drink spilled on him a little and went to find Dean. In the front room, I saw Adam and Bones talking on the sofa and flopped down next to them. 

"Have you seen Dean?" I asked, not bothering to question what they were doing together. 

"He went to the bathroom; he'll be back in a second." Bones grinned at me, "Are you finally going to talk it out, rather than sulk?" 

"Why's Axel sulking? He's the one who hurt Dean." Adam frowned and shot me a glare, "You never asked him out, just used him as a booty call." 

"What do you mean? We were dating and he just started to ignore me out of nowhere." I was exasperated by this situation at this point.

"That's not how Dean sees it. How can you be dating when you never asked him?" Adam shook his head. 

I groaned. 

Is that what this is all about? He's bothered because I didn't officially ask? I just presumed we already were together. 

"You're in my seat..." A sweet voice appeared next to me, melting my heart.

"Come here you idiot." I smiled softly, pulling him by the hand into my lap and kissing him. 

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