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-Mention of rape


One bullet. One shot. One chance. Now or never.

I pull the trigger, watching as my bullet pierces straight through the man's dress shirt. The feeling I get is euphoric. The piercing silence that follows after it reaches its intended target. The way my finger easily pulls to release the impatient, claustrophobic bullet from its achingly cramped chamber. The smoke that trickles out from the barrel once it has kissed the bullet goodbye. The way my heart rate increases, anticipating the hit of my target. The feeling is unlike any other.

The mans face goes white as his eyes go wide. His colleagues look at him in worry, then horror as he brings his hand up to his heart. His fingers display bright red blood on the tips. He begins to fade as his eyes roll to the back of his head and he collapses onto the floor. Some people tend to him, others look around to see where the shot had come from. It's absolute panic as I watch the scene unfold through the scope of my gun.

"He's down. Great shot, Liv." My partner for the mission complements into my ear piece. He's at the gathering, disguised as a caterer.

"Thank you, Tae. Everyone seems to not have heard a thing. You did a hell of a job making this silencer. Well done." I begin to disassemble my rifle, placing every piece correctly into its case and packing it away into my backpack. I take my hat off, fluffing out my hair and raise my all black hoodie over my head, leaving me in an all white tank top. "Let me know what happens when the ambulance arrives."


I look around to make sure no one sees me, even though I'm at the top of a 10-story building. Satisfied, I hitch my bag over my shoulder and onto my back and go to the door that leads back inside the building. In my ear piece, I hear the commotion happening at the event. Taehyung chuckles and I smirk to myself.

Kim Taehyung is an engineer for weapons, trained medical specialist, and the look out or diversions for missions. Today, he was doing all of them. He informed me on the whereabouts of my target and when the perfect opportunity to strike was. We call each other by the nicknames we've given each other because of the relationship we have. Not only is he my partner, but he's also my best friend. That makes the missions easier, you know, considering I'm out here killing people for a living.

"These people are going insane." Taehyung continues to chuckle. "They really didn't see this coming."

I shrug to myself as I reach the bottom of the stairs, exiting the building and putting my sunglasses on. "I don't see why not. That man is fucking evil. I'm doing the world a favor."

"I'll say so."

"What's his status as of now?"

"From my stance? Most likely Code Blue. They're trying to stop the bleeding, but I'm ninety-nine point nine percent sure you hit his aorta. He's done."

I hear sirens in the distance as I smile, knowing I've accomplished my mission. I'm not the best damn sniper in the business for nothing. As I walk down the street, the sun is shining exceptionally bright today. I thank the universe for my existence.

A police car speeds by me, and now I really can't wipe the smile from my face. "Police headed your way."

"Okay. I'm going in." The commotion only gets louder as I assume Taehyung is moving closer to the crowd. "Oh my God, move back!"

The man is a born actor.

"I need to check him. I'm a nurse."

"Please, sir!" A lady whines to him. "Please help him!"

"I'll see what I can do, ma'am. But it really doesn't look good from right here."

I laugh, approaching his car and pressing the button for the doors to unlock. I get inside, sitting in the driver's seat, and turn the car on. The cold air blasts in my face, instantly feeling cool on my burning skin that's covered with tiny sweat beads.

"He has no pulse and the bleeding can't be stopped. He's hemorrhaging too bad. I'm so sorry. There is nothing that I can do at this point." Taehyung says and I laugh hysterically.

"You asshole!" I wipe away a tear that has slipped from my eye.

"There's got to be more you can do!" Someone screams.

"If there was, I would do it. The bullet, wherever it came from," there's shuffling and gasps from people around. He must be showing them where the bullet hit. "pierced right here. His heart is here, and by the amount of bleeding, it more than likely hit his aorta. There's no coming back from that. I'm so sorry. CEO Lee Mi-Hyan is dead."

The crowd breaks into hysteria, and so do I. This is way too amusing and shouldn't even be funny. But I cannot stop laughing. Lee Mi-Hyan is presumed dead and I am the reason.

The company chose me to assassinate him. Lee Mi-Hyan is, well was, a horrible person. He's someone who gives to the rich and takes from the poor. He treats his employees like garbage. He cares about nothing and no one but himself.

But that isn't the reason I was chosen for this mission.

The main reason I was chosen is because of Yoona. Lee Yoona, his wife. He was so abusive toward his young wife, who he forced into marriage at the tender age of 16. She is only 17 years old now. He raped her when she was only 14, not even 15 and when she fell pregnant, her parents just gave her to that monster. She lost her baby, but he got her pregnant again. And again. And again. At 17 years old, she is the mother of 2 children with one on the way and having lost one. She's been pregnant 4 times.

I assassinated, no, I killed Lee Mi-Hyan. I killed him for her. She had her childhood and innocence taken away from her at such a young age. She was forced to grow up. She was forced to be a wife. She was forced to be a mother. She can't get rid of her children that she bore, nor does she want to. She loves them more than herself, but Lee Mi-Hyan could be gotten rid of...

"The police made a call." Taehyung pulls me from my rage.

"Okay. And?" I inquire.

"White sheet down. Confirmed dead upon arrival. Excellent job, Livi."

I sigh in contentment.

Lee Mi-Hyan could be gotten rid of... And that is exactly what I did.

"Perfect! I'll pull the car around to the back. This calls for a drink."

"You got it, hot stuff."


Welcome to ASSASSINATION! This is something unlike anything I've written before. This is gonna be dark. It's going to have graphic scenes of violence. It's going to have triggers. And I'm so excited to get this going!!!

I wasn't supposed to post anything until like... March? But I'm impatient! And I have writers block with 'Strip Tease' 🤧 I'm honestly so stuck & I just started.... So I figured why not just post a sneak peek of this gem? (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I really want you all to enjoy this & go on this wild journey with momma 💜

~S. xx

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