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"How does it feel to get rid of that scumbag of a human?" Taehyung asks me, sipping on his drink.

I smile, heart beating overtime as the conversation starts. "Fucking great. I've been wanting to off that bastard since I was assigned the mission."

"Namjoon-hyung was right to put you on for this mission."

"He knew what he was doing when he assigned me to it." I nod, flagging for the bartender to top me off with another shot. Taehyung smacks on his boneless wings with the cutest little pout, and I cringe. "Tae, come on now. Chew with your mouth closed."

He simply shrugs. "I can't help it, Liv. You know how I eat."

I roll my eyes, knowing it's true. It's still something I'll never get use to, but I'll let it slide. This is a mini celebration. A celebration of ridding the world of one less piece of shit. If I could personally get rid of all the bad guys and scum of the earth with my 2 bare hands, trust and believe that I would. Unfortunately, the world is too damn big for me to get to everyone. So for now, I'll focus on the ones in South Korea.

"What do you think the next mission is?" Taehyung asks me. "Do you think it'll be a partnered assignment again?"

I shrug my shoulders, taking back another shot. It burns on the way down, but leaves a nice, pineapple aftertaste. "Who knows. You know how Namjoon is. He'll have me as a sniper for one, then have me stabbing someone the next. To be honest, I've been wanting to stab something."

Taehyung holds his hands up playfully, chuckling. "Maybe I should stay away. You get blood on your hands and you want to kill everyone."

"Not everyone." I giggle. "Just those worthy of no longer living because they're terrible excuses for humans. That's my job, and I love it."

Taehyung nods, finishing off his wings and drink. He's only had one drink and I've been taking shots to the head. This is the regular routine once I complete a mission successfully. We go drinking and I get shit faced. By the time I've had 9 shots and 3 cocktails in me, Taehyung knows to take me home. With that being said, I'm clung onto Taehyung's side as he escorts me out of the bar and into the car.

"TaeTae," I sing out in a slur. "You are so fucking fine."

"Yes, Olivia. I know." He chuckles, shaking his head as he gets into the drivers seat and reaches over me to put on my seatbelt. I pull his head closer to my face, my lips ghosting over his, and he groans. "Olivia."

"Taehyung," I mock, trying my best to impersonate his deep voice, very incoherently. "I want you, Tae. Let's go to your house."

"No, Liv."

"Why?" I whine, my grip superhuman on the back of his neck. "You don't want to fuck me?"

"As much as I've thought about it and would love nothing more than to wreck you like I've done before," he goes on before my lips press his gently.

He pulls back when my grip weakens and I whine. "Taehyungie,"

"Let me finish, drunkie." He chuckles and I pout. "I would like to fuck you again, but you have a boyfriend. If you weren't drink, you wouldn't be talking this way."

I gasp, eyes watering. I'm a horny, emotional drunk. "Take me home! I'm a going to call him. My boyfriend. Where's he?"

"Relax," Taehyung laughs now, starting the car and pulling off into what my drunken mind can only assume is the direction of my house. "I'm taking you home. I'm not sure where he is. But when you get in there, you need to go to sleep."

"Okay, Tae. I love you so much. You're my best friend." I lay my head on the window and quickly nod out.

"I love you too, weirdo."


I open my eyes slightly to my head pounding. I groan rolling over but my body being restricted. I try pushing myself away from the person holding me but they only pull me tighter into their embrace.

I whine, twisting and turning. I really have to piss. "Yoongi, get off me. I have to use the bathroom."

As if he doesn't even hear me, my heavy sleeper of a boyfriend lightly snores. I work my way out of his grip finally and stand, a little too quickly. The blood rushes down my body and my head feels a thousand pounds as I try dragging myself into the bathroom. I relieve my screaming bladder, flush, and wash my hands. I look at myself in the mirror and want to throw up.

My wish comes true and I turn back around to the toilet, spilling my guts all into the porcelain thrown. I've had hangovers before, but this one takes the cake for the worst. I whine, hugging the toilet as if it'll run away from me. I don't even hear Yoongi coming into the bathroom as I'm still hurling into the toilet.

"Damn, baby. You need to slow down when you go out drinking." He chuckles, leaning down next to me, putting my bonnet over my fucked up hair and rubbing my back.

"I am never drinking again. I swear to fucking God."

"You said that last time."

"I mean it this time." I say, holding my head up barely, my eyes closed. "It's never been this bad."

Yoongi helps me up and leads me to the sink as he flushes the toilet. "How much did you drink, lil momma?"

I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste from behind the mirror. I brush my teeth and get it as clean as possible. "Too much."

"Clearly." Yoongi rolls his eyes. "Here."

He hands me mouthwash and I thank him, taking it and cleansing my mouth more. "I'm hungry."

Yoongi furrows his eyebrows at me, looking at me as if I have 2 heads. "Hell no. You know you can't eat right now."

"And why not?" I pout, hoping it'll work and hoping that my face isn't silently showing the discomfort of my head pounding. "I have an empty stomach now."

"Babe," he chuckles, holding my head in his hands and kissing my forehead. "It's 2 in the morning. And you're just going to be going back to sleep anyway. There's Gatorade in the fridge. Take a couple Tylenol and let's go back to bed. I'm tired."

"Fine." I give up in surrender and let him lead me back into the bedroom as he goes to grab the Gatorade. When get back, I thankfully take the power drink and throw it back with the 2 pills. I feel somewhat content with the drink in my stomach. "Babe, I have a question."

"What's up?" He asks, sliding into the bed next to me and pulling me to snuggle into his side.

I take in his scent as I huff. "I don't remember shit after my like... 6th shot. When did I get home?"

"Oh." He says, his chest reverberating in my ears. "Taehyung brought you at like 9. You were trying to fuck me as soon as you walked through the door."

"Kill me now." I groan into his chest.

"Not to mention you cried about how you kissed Taehyung and wanted to make it up to me. Then you got on your knees and said you'd suck my dic-"

"Okay, goodnight Yoongi."

He laughs, rubbing my back and falling asleep not too soon after.


Oh, hi there! I know I know, I wasn't supposed to start this until like March. But where's the fun in that! 💁🏾 so here we are!

You all have been so good to me with my other stories that I can't leave you high & dry. Momma loves you too much! Thank you for all the love you give me continuously! I wish I could hug & kiss you all!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! You'll see more of the agency Liv works for in the next chapter! xx

~S. xx

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