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The bag that was placed over the man's head is pulled off and he blinks to adjust his sight, looking around and breathing heavily. I'm watching through the crack in the door as Taehyung tightens the ropes behind him to ensure he's securely bound. The man tries to thrash and move around as much as possible, but Taehyung grabs his hair and harshly yanks it back toward him while he speaks.

"I would stop moving if I were you."

"Who are you and what do you want with me!?" He yells.

I make my way into the room, mask covering my face and hood up so my identity is sealed. "Jung Hoseok."

"How do you know my name?"

"I ask the questions." I pull up a chair and sit in front of him, crossing my legs. "And if I was you, I'd answer all of the questions that's being asked."

"What are you going to do if I don't?" He asks, clearly disregarding my statements.

"I'll simply kill you. You will be of no use to me if you don't speak."

His eyes widen and he begins to breathe harshly. "The second fucking time."

"What, that you've been threatened to be killed?"

"That I've been fucking captured."

I look to Taehyung and we have the same expression on our faces. This is the man I captured last month.

"How did you manage to escape?" I ask softly, hoping that my change in demeaner will get more answers out of him and that he doesn't suspect that I'm the one that took him.

"The phone I had. It had a tracer."

"Fuck." I whisper to myself. Why did I not think of that? I'm honestly surprised he's openly admitting this to me. "Who are you working for?"

"None of your business." He answers lowly. So much for the cooperation.

I sigh, reaching into the pocket of my hoodie and pulling out my gun. Fear shoots into his eyes and he doesn't hide his fright.

"Listen." I point the gun toward his foot, clicking the safety off. "I will make your time miserable, starting with blowing your toes right the fuck off. I suggest you start talking, Jung."

He swallows hard, and I look up to Taehyung who's analyzing the situation carefully. His jaw clenches right before he speaks. "He isn't their main runner."

"You don't think so?" I ask, curious in what his thoughts are.

"He isn't. He's been talking too much. He must be a fill in."

"Is this true?" I ask Hoseok, pointing my gun closer to his foot.

He nods like crazy. "Yes. I was covering for the original runner."

"Who is your boss?"

"He'll kill me if I tell."

"And I'll kill you if you don't tell." I shoot the floor next to him, dangerously close to his foot and he shrieks in fright. "Fucking talk, Jung. Tell me what I need to know and I'll make sure to get you out of there."

"You- you sound familiar." He says softly.

"So you recognize me?" I laugh.

"I think so."

"Then you know what I am capable of. Speak."

He nods, sighing and giving in. "Kim Seokjin. That's who sent me on the run. Because I fucked up last month, the original runner is on leave until further notice. But they've started running again with the same times, just new locations. There's a drop off tonight."

"Which locations?"

Hoseok tells me everything he knows and I watch as Taehyung pulls out his phone and jots them down in his notes. I'm pleased with the information we have and I nod in satisfaction.

"I'm glad you know better. You did learn something from last time. I didn't want to kill you if I didn't have to."

"So you're letting me go?"

I laugh, and Taehyung joins me. "I take that back, you're still stupid. No. You're in our protective custody until further notice."

Taehyung and I get up to leave, but not before Hoseok gives us another piece of this missing puzzle. "The original runner. His last name starts with an M. I don't know his actual last name, but I know that much."

"Good to know." I say, leaving the room.

"Do you believe him?" Taehyung asks me.

"I do." I nod. "Go take him to the protection room and explain the amenities there. Lock him in and I'll get us prepped to go to the Bay."

He nods, going back in with Hoseok as I go to top floor of the building where my office is. I'm able to get into the cameras of the place known as the Bay, and I go back a couple weeks to see the drop off. I nod, very satisfied. This time, that bastard will not get off the hook. Kim Seokjin is the mastermind and we'll get to him, but we need to eliminate his main runner first. He will tell me every single thing I need to know.

I search the name Kim Seokjin in our database and get a couple hits. As I'm looking, Taehyung comes in and sighs as he sits down in front of me. "Liv, this is too dangerous for you."

I return the sign, crossing my arms as I look away from the screen. "That's the reason I didn't tell you I was pregnant."

"If something happens to you, the baby could not make it."

I swallow, holding the tears back that are stinging my eyes. "Tae, I promise to not put myself in any harm that could hurt my baby."

"And I trust you. I just don't trust this job to keep you safe. We fight and kill for a living. We can't risk that right now. Please, let me take ahold of this and you stay back where it's safe."


"Liv." His voice gets deeper and I slightly cowar back. "You're not going."

"What are you gonna do? Tell Namjoon? You promised me you wouldn't. You promised to do all the hard work but still allow me to go. So I'm fucking going, end of story."

I stand from my seat and walk toward the door when he grabs my arm. He pulls me into a hug and I hug him back. I feel my tears betray me and begin to fall. These goddamn hormones.

"I'm just worried about you, Liv." He says, rubbing my back.

"I know." I nod. "I thank you for that, but I'll be okay."

"I'll make sure of that." We break the hug and I wipe my eyes. He chuckles softly. "Let's get this over with."

"Before that," I pull him around my desk to look at my screen. "Here are the Kim Seokjin's I have pulled up."

He looks and analyzes each face on the screen before taking my mouse and going to the option to print the screen. "Let's show Hoseok. He'll tell us which one he works for."

I retrieve the printed paper and look back at the pictures carefully. I have this weird feeling about the man with the blonde hair, but I could just be imagining things. The sooner we get this shit nipped in the bud, I can put Taehyung at ease. We head back to where we're keeping Hoseok and have him point out Seokjin. He chooses the blonde haired man and I nod in satisfaction, my assumption being correct. Now to get this runner out of the way and complete the mission.


It has been such a long time since this was updated & I'm so sorry about that! I'll get this rolling because there are only 3 chapters left & I'm so excited!

That's all lol, bye! 💕


ASSASSINATION {MYG AU}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora