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I feel the bed shift next to me, waking me up, and Yoongi pulling me into his chest. I groan as I make myself comfortable on him and slightly stretch. "What time is it?"

"12 minutes 'til 10."

I nod, kissing his neck. "How is everything at work?"

Yoongi shrugs. "Eh, could be better. Low production, so I'll be out of work for a little bit."

"Oh no." I sit up slightly. "Is there anything you need me to do?"

"Not try to work more." He chuckles. "I'm on paid leave."

"You sure?"

"I'm positive. I don't want you to stress. I know you, and you'll overwork to the point that it'll stress you out. That'll only stress the baby." He lays me back against his chest and rubs my arm. "You can work normally, no overworking. I'll be the stay-at-home husband until further notice."

"That doesn't sound too bad." I smile, feeling myself fall back to sleep as he soothingly rubs my arm.


I look at the surveillance footage from the different drop off locations that I've managed to find, and I huff in frustration when I see no exchanges being made. I fucked up. It's been almost a month and nothing has come up. I've been so frustrated about it, not to mention I'm hormonal and morning sickness has hit me, so I've been dealing with that on top of trying to find this bastard again. I can't tell anyone I'm pregnant yet because word will get back to Namjoon and he'll stop me from doing anymore missions. I don't really mind it, but I need to complete this one before I tell him.  I'll lose my mind if I don't get this man.

There's a soft knock on the door and the person entering doesn't wait for me to answer. Taehyung finds himself getting comfortable in the chair across from me, crossing his arms. "Liv."

"Hmm?" I ask.

"Seriously?" He scoffs

I frown, "What? What's wrong with you?"

"You're really not gonna tell me? And I've waited so patiently."

"Tell you what?" I ask, kind of panicking. He knows I'm pregnant, I know he does.

"I shouldn't have to tell you what you should have already told me. I've been waiting for almost a month and nothing."

I sigh, closing my eyes. "Fine. I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was pregnant sooner. I just didn't want it getting around-"

"Hold on." He stops me with wide eyes. "You're pregnant!?"

"You didn't know!?" I ask with eyes equally as wide.

"No! But when were you going to tell me!?"

"Wait, wait. So what are you referring to?"

"You haven't told me how the hell you lost that guy. But holy shit, you're pregnant! I'm gonna be an uncle!"

"Shhhh!" I shush him. "Please, please, please don't say anything to anyone. Especially to Namjoon. I need to finish this assignment first."

Taehyung furrows his brows. "Liv, this is a dangerous game. You shouldn't finish this mission."

"And that's why I didn't say anything." I sigh, defeated. "I have to finish this before I'm put on simple tasks around here. This is like a last hoorah before I prepare to be a mother. Tae, I have to complete this mission. And I really need your help to do it."

He returns my sigh, giving up. "Fine. But you'll have to let me do all the tough shit. We can't risk anything with the baby."

"And I hear you. Thank you so much, Taehyung. It really means alot to me."

"Now, have you figured out what the next move is?"

I shake my head, frustrated. "I had him, and then I didn't. He easily slipped through my fingers. I'm pissed because he could have easily fled the damn country for all I know. I'm looking at more cameras, but there hasn't been a transaction since then. I fucked up, Tae."

"And we're going to fix that fuck up. You looking at old tapes?" He assures me and asks, receiving my nod in response. "What's the name of their business?"

"I don't even know. I was going to force that out of him if he didn't tell me off rip."

"Damn. And all you got was the money. We really are back at square one." I groan at his words, covering my face with my hands. "It's fine. We win some, we lose some. You're still the best at what you do. Can we track the money?"

"Thank you. And I'm not sure. Namjoon is looking at it to see if we can." I say, my spirits lifted only slightly as he nods. I look back at the computer screen and furrow my eyebrows. I murmur quietly to myself "What the hell?"

"What?" Taehyung inquires with a raised brow.

"Come look at this." He moves around to my side and stares at the screen. I point to the area I need him to focus on. "Remember, this is just old footage from an older transaction. But look very closely. Who does that look like?"

He stares harder, gasping quietly with wide eyes when he sees what I'm seeing. "No, hell no. You don't think? That can't be him."

"That's what I thought in my head, but if you're saying it aloud, then that means it's him." I laugh, humorlessly. "Fuck, I knew it. I knew it, I knew it."

"No, no, no." He shakes his head. "Do you really think he would do some shit like that?"

"Look at what we do for a living, Taehyung. We can't fully trust anybody, and you can't put anything past anyone. Especially shit like this and with his background."

"Do you think he works for these people?" Taehyung asks, coming to an understanding with my last quote.

"I wouldn't doubt it. And if not, he knows way too much."

"So much for him wanting to live normally and stay out of as much trouble as possible."

"We tried to help him. It was all for nothing, and that pisses me off." I shake my head, taking my office phone off the hook and handing it to him. "I don't care what you have to do or who you have to call. I want that bastard to look me in my eyes and dare to lie to me."

"I'd hate to be on the receiving end of this." Taehyung flinches with a chuckle. "What am I doing?"

"Making phonecalls." I say. "Get him. Get Hoseok on that phone for me right fucking now."


Oh goodness! When did I last update this? Beginning of May???? And now it's the middle of June 😭 for those that read this, I'm so sorry for the wait! I hope this was decent enough 🥺 this chapter may not seem like much, but the next couple chapters will be & then it'll be the end. There's only 4 chapters left in this short story & I plan to end it with a bang! Thank you so much for your patience & I hope you enjoyed 💕💕💕💕


ASSASSINATION {MYG AU}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon